Snobear Guided trips

  • Ice Cap
    Posts: 2277

    Been to Devils 4 times the last 4 years and usually go with Perch Patrol. Never been in the Snobear but would like to give it a try and would also like to try a different guide service. Not that I’m entirely unhappy with Perch Patrol but I was out there in Jan. with Perch Patrol and did not do so well for 3 days fishing. We did much better with them the year before. It’s fishing so nobody guarantees you anything.

    Anyhow considering going back out in March so this would be my second trip this year. A Google search shows me there are two guide services offering Snobear packages. Haybale Heights and Bry’s guide service. Does anyone have any experience with either of these and any recommendations or are there other Snobear guides not turning up in my search?

    Hudson, Wi
    Posts: 3510

    I will be going up to Devils Lake on Feb 22 for my second time. We did it solo last year and got hit by extreme weather that made it tough. This year we are going through Perch Eyes Guide Service. Some of my buddies have used them in past years and recommended them. I don’t think they have Sno Bears but my understanding is they have Suburbans with tracks to get around. I’m going with a high school buddy and both of our dads. Hope to have something decent to report.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Mark is a great guy, talked to him a couple times. I never fished with him but he would be my choice. Mark Bry.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2277

    Actually I talked to Mark at Bry’s today to find out what dates are available. Now I gotta find somebody that will go with me. My buddy who I thought was going decided it was a bit too much to spend for a chance at some Perch. To me it’s not always about the fish but the experience. I’m not going to be here forever. wink So waiting to hear back from another one of my buddies to see if he can go.

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Another one guiding out of snobears is Newbys Ace hardware,they have a couple of bears they use for guiding,might be some openings,fairly new to guiding,but very knowledgable fishermen!!
    Most the guides up here are pretty reputable,knowlegable,and hardworking,and there are days they just dont bite,and we have a big lake that cant be covered in a day!!
    If you really want to increase your odds of catching fish on Devils lake,skip january and early febuary trips and come end of febuary thru last ice(usually end of march)the later the better!!
    Many reasons for later trips,better bite,better weather,longer fishing days,and much better mobility.
    I know not everyone can come at that time,but if you can it will greatly increase your odds of a successful trip.
    Best of Luck!!

    Posts: 1109

    Bill do you think you guys have enough snow for run off to bring the lake up again to use the boat ramp at Pelican this spring?

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    I dont think so,its going to take a few years of good snows to bring it up.The game and fish dept have been looking for a new site for a long time,but finding something available with adequate grade is the trouble.
    I think you will see alot of people doing ditch launches off old 281 again.

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    I was out on Devils about 3 weeks ago (1/18 to 1/20), buddy and I went on our own, but I knew another group that was out there around the same time and they stayed at Haybale and went out in Snobears and had a great time

    Im heading back on 3/8 for a couple days, just booked the hotel. Going without a guide again, so hopefully the snowpack on the lack allows for truck traffic (heard its very tough right now, but it was fine 3 weeks ago, so who knows what it will be like in a month)

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    Im not saying you cant have a successful trip in January,just that the fishing is much more consistent in March,way better odds of having a successful trip.
    It is really tough getting around right now,Im also hoping for warm temps to settle the snowpack,I would be out today but didnt like the thought of shoveling in -20.

    southeast lower michigan
    Posts: 300

    I can’t say enough good things about Bry’s guide service. Top notch.

    southeast lower michigan
    Posts: 300

    I was out on Devils about 3 weeks ago (1/18 to 1/20), buddy and I went on our own, but I knew another group that was out there around the same time and they stayed at Haybale and went out in Snobears and had a great time

    Im heading back on 3/8 for a couple days, just booked the hotel. Going without a guide again, so hopefully the snowpack on the lack allows for truck traffic (heard its very tough right now, but it was fine 3 weeks ago, so who knows what it will be like in a month)

    You will not be able to drive your truck onto the ice. Tracked vehicles only!

    Southern WI
    Posts: 1535

    Yes, i have been following the situation out there, we will be sticking to the ice roads thst were plowed recently on 6 Mile and East Bay or the one Woodland has on Creel

    Bill Sackenreuter
    Devils Lake ND
    Posts: 230

    The trails on north six mile were blown shut towards the southend of the bay,yesterday,I can only imagine that good portions of the others you mentioned are also.There were a bunch of trails cut in from Minnewaukan out to various areas of the flats,they were done right before the weekend for Minnewaukans tournament.
    I am sure the chamber of commerece will try to keep as many as possible open.When I sat on the lake access comittee we would use fishing reports to keep most productive areas open,because of funding,so there is a very good chance that some sections wont be kept open.

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