Snapping turtle rules

  • Deleted
    Posts: 959

    So this question needs to be asked, ever clean turtle.:???: blush

    I have never cleaned one myself but I saw (& smelled) many a snapper cleaned as a kid. My folks used to have us kids get out and grab them by the tail (when we would encounter them on the road) and throw them in the trunk when we were kids. Also had a friend of mine’s dad took us out to do the same on the backwater dike roads.

    I remember the awful rank/foul smell when they cleaned them. Seems the YouTube versions of cleaning that I see today, show letting them “clean out” in a tub with water for a few days, changing the water each day, before starting the butchering ….so that’s the route I plan to take. My old timer uncles say that makes a lot of sense versus just getting after it right after you catch them and dealing with all that extra ick factor. YouTube is such an awesome tool!

    east bethel
    Posts: 436

    Here’s a tip when cleaning.
    I shoot them in the head with .22
    nail them to a tree with the belly pointing out
    cut the head off then let it bleed out
    once its bled out take a air compressor nozzle and form a seal round the loose neck skin and blow air into the turtle and it will blow up like balloon. then youll be ready to clean easily! the air separates the skin from the meat, It is amazing how easy they are to clean after doing that. I have cleaned a lot turtles this way! good luck and like BK said make sure to post pics of your snapper! toast

    Posts: 959

    Thanks, I will surely post pics, not sure how long it will take to get the recreational turtle license and three tags for the traps but I will get my application in the mail tomorrow.

    I will get a couple traps made hopefully in the next week or so. Hoping to be set up, with the traps ready to put out as soon as I get my license and tags.

    My wife thinks I’m nuts but the last time I had turtle soup was last winter at a game feed. I hadn’t had it In 20-25 yrs before that, so I gorged myself on it. Ate three bowls and could have ate more……. but I didn’t want to be a pig. I remember it being very good when I was younger but now that I actually know how to cook, smoke, pressure cook, bake, pickle, etc…..I just really want to do this.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    My wife thinks I’m nuts

    We are use to that around here.

    Posts: 12

    Well, here it is…..not as I expected but I got my first turtle and butchered it. First time ever for me & it’s in the freezer. Thank goodness for YouTube!! Can’t wait to make some soup!!

    I did receive my recreational turtle permit and 3 tags, so I’m legal to use traps, when & if I can get the time and help required to set that all up. I haven’t even got to make a trap yet. Prolly gonna be next year.

    Meanwhile, I got this snapping turtle by hand. It measured well over 12″ (required). I let it clean out in a barrel for a few days, before butchering, changing the water twice a day.

    The butchering part took a long, long time. Probably an hr & a half. Then all the cleanup.

    I used my aluminum fish landing pan to keep everything contained.

    I was able to get a lot of meat from the turtle. Cheek meat was attempted but failed. I did get those back straps tho! Managed to save a nice shell for later display too.

    I managed to navigate the anatomy alright and do a nice, clean & thorough job. Very happy with how it went. I used cut resistant gloves and took my time.

    Only bummer was the orange eggs inside. I would never have kept a female knowingly. I now know the difference. Males are said to have a distinctive concaved plastron & females have a flat plastron.

    I’ll keep the meat vacuum sealed in the deep freeze till I’m ready to make the soup.

    The pic was after I took his head off and had him upside down, to drain the blood. Just thought it looked funny, like he was talking out of his arse, explaining with his hands…….reminded me of my salesman brother !

    1. image-2.jpeg

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 21933

    If your near the north metro PM me I’ll show you a hot spot on the st croix. Last Saturday we had caught 4 snappers and 3 big softshells.

    1. 20180825_224323.jpg

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