Snap weights or Lead core?

  • jammington
    Posts: 11

    Getting into trolling on the river for walleyes (or whatever bites) and have picked up a few trolling rods with line counters. I’ve used snap weights with some good success and it has been fun. I’m gonna buy two more trolling combos. Thinking of spooling these up with leadcore. Is one method “better” than the other? Pros? Cons? Let me know your thoughts…its just kind of fun figuring out a new fishing method.


    michael keehr
    Posts: 363

    In my opinion you need at least 1 leadcore setup. Snap weights work but there is just something about leadcore

    Posts: 1811

    Lead core is pretty straight forward, now if you really get good at snap weight trolling you will a better fisherman. Lead off to the side of the boat snap weight on the boards is a good setup. my 2 cents Dk.

    Posts: 1811

    Lead core is pretty straight forward, now if you really get good at snap weight trolling you will a better fisherman. Lead off to the side of the boat, snap weight on the boards is a good setup. my 2 cents Dk.

    Posts: 12741

    Agree lead is that much easier of a system. Something about how it runs behind the boat just catches fish. There was a thread about this in the mille lacs section that had some good insight in lead core.

    Posts: 168

    Does anyone have a good rule of thumb for how to compare a snap weight to leadcore? For example how many ounces of snap weight equals a color of leadcore for instance. I have lead core depth curves but nothing for snap weights.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5241

    I found that snap weights do not hang on to braid after just one pass! like boards, just another thing to deal with while landing a fish.

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