Snake Experts

  • buckybadger
    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9119

    How do I keep them away? It’s probably 80% garter snakes, with occasional bull snakes.

    I’m disposing of 3-4 a week near the house (and I’m not around that often). We built on a wooded slope with our ag fields nearby, but mow quite a bit down around the house. Before you tell me how great they are or how they keep things in balance, keep in mind I let them have their run of about 78 other acres by the house. The problem is that my wife and girls are not a fan of them on the other 2 acres that is the yard. A few here and there is no biggie, but daily is getting old. If you want them saved PM me your address and we will discuss shipping rates for a box of them.

    Strategies I’ve read so far:

    -mow grass short (been leaving it fairly long with how dry it is, but may try this)

    -eliminate their food source (not sure what garter snakes all eat? I’ve got plunket bait boxes around for mice and haven’t seen more than a few dead ones never in a building)

    -get a dog or cat (I don’t have time for a pet unless maybe it was some outside cat that needed nothing? Would a relocated barn cat hunt them?)

    -there are some snake spray and scent things on the market (these seem to be unlikely to work?)

    Posts: 2075

    I think garters eat mostly insects, worms snails grass hoppers beetles – far from an expert just a guess . Have you hit your lawn with an insecticide? Maybe that’ll help ? Any obvious cool damp places you could get rid of ? Giant Wood pile ? Interesting problem I’ll be honest . Best of luck .

    Posts: 1719

    Sounds like you have an acreage. Don’t know if you keep any kind of livestock or animals around. My buddy bought 14 wooded acres. You couldn’t walk around the yard without being covered with ticks. And everything he picked up, and there was a lot to pick up had 3 snakes under it. He got 6 or 8 Guinea hens. By the end of summer, you couldn’t find a tick or snake on the 3 acres he mows. They eliminate the bugs the snakes eat and eat the snakes as well. He said when he let them loose, the looked like they were pecking a typewriter going across the yard. Only problem, if you have a lot of hawks, you may need a few new ones here and there. If they have a building to go in at night coyotes don’t seem to be a problem.

    SE MN
    Posts: 1509

    Guinea hens.
    They might not solve all the snake problems but most of it.
    Funny as hell to watch em when they get 1 and they all join in!

    The bad news is they make an awful racket. The sound they make is crazy.
    And they look like some kind of dinosaur!

    Posts: 1719

    Yeah, they make an awful racket. Before he bought his 14 acres. He rented a farmhouse. He got guineas and they roosted in the farmers cow barn. When he got close to calves being born, the farmer came to check his cows one morning before daylight. When he entered the barn, they all lit up. He said he almost put a new door in the barn. Told my buddy he was glad he had them, but wished he would have warned him.

    Posts: 433

    I have them too. Too much habitat. The small ones eat small bugs like ants. Get rid of the bugs.

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3306

    Forget the chickens… let BK camp down there for a week. I hear he’s a crack shot with his pistol.

    cold spring mn/ itasca cty
    Posts: 13093

    Forget the chickens… let BK camp down there for a week. I hear he’s a crack shot with his pistol.

    devil rotflol rotflol rotflol woot

    Posts: 60

    You built and moved into their living space. Adjust the attitudes and live with them. That’s how we live at our place.

    We have snakes and we don’t really care for them but we know they do us good. We adjust for them. We won’t kill them. We will let them move off and they always have.

    We even moved this one off the road in front of our house. It went into the ditch and that was the last we seen of it. About 3 weeks ago.

    Bluffs like you are I believe,

    1. 20230714_183752-scaled.jpg

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    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3246

    That’s a beauty Riverruns!

    I love snakes but I understand not everyone does. I agree, you gotta find a way to eliminate the food sources. Some areas are just gonna have lots of snakes. There are some snake traps that you would put around your house along walls or fences. Similar to those black box rat/mouse traps you see around stores. Some are live traps and some kill. Several other diy traps you can try if you Google them. Place them around your yard and pray! Good luck. If I lived nearby The boys and I would try and help. toast

    Posts: 2075

    CCI used to ( maybe still does ? ) make .40 cal bird shot rounds for pistols , real handy on the lawn mower , cycle great in a Glock surprisingly.

    Mazomanie, WI
    Posts: 1099

    Get a place in the suburbs or tell your family to come to peace with living with the wildlife.

    You won’t even make a dent in your local snake population.

    Snake ii’s
    Posts: 556


    agree with Riverruns – you moved into their territory. If you can’t live with them, move.

    Wanton killing of wildlife is illegal.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Menards has granules that are claimed to be a snake deterrent. No idea if it works.

    PS Bird shot doesn’t make them jump as high as a lead round just under them. So I’ve been told.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Victors Snake-a-way

    Repels Snakes Outdoors – These granules begin working immediately to repel venomous and non-venomous snakes, such as garter snakes or rattlesnakes
    Controls by Scent – The granules temporarily disrupt snakes’ olfactory sense organ, sending them in search of fresh air
    EPA-Registered – Use this product with peace of mind knowing that Snake-A-Way is the only EPA-Registered snake repellent
    Long-Lasting – One applications of Snake-A-Way lasts for up to 3 months; Reapply after heavy rain for best results
    Protects up to 1/2 Acre – Use the granules along the perimeter of outdoor areas you want to protect, such as houses, cabins, sheds, gardens, and more

    Posts: 1878

    Either you have a great place for wildlife, or the garters are having an orgy on your property. They were going into a collapsed drain tile on my property, I had to dig it up and remove it. That reduced the snakes to a reasonable level instead of multiple everyday including in the sump pumps.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744


    agree with Riverruns – you moved into their territory. If you can’t live with them, move.

    Wanton killing of wildlife is illegal.

    I don’t think killing a snake on your own property would be considered Wanton Waste of wildlife. If so they better bring a extra ticket book with when they come visit me.

    Posts: 2075

    I can’t believe some of you are on a hunting and fishing forum rotflol

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    I would say you have an overwintering and breeding area somewhere near the house if you see them daily. Most snakes will eat anything that fits in their mouths. Garter snakes mostly eat bugs but bigger ones will eat baby mice if they find a nest. Bull snakes (gopher snake) are pretty uncommon. Unless you’re sure that’s what it is, it might be the more common fox snake as both can get pretty decent sized, look similar, and will rattle their tails when threatened. I’d be happy to have them around for pest control. If it were me, I’d tell (aka lie to) the wife that I sprinkled some magic snake repellent around and hope it works. I’d also make sure anything they can hide in or under during the day was picked up. Bigger snakes will eat smaller snakes, too. Maybe just get some bigger snakes?

    My wife and I were at our camper for the weekend. While eating a late dinner I saw a mouse come out from the wooden louvers that cover the furnace and turn around and hop back in when it noticed we were there. She asks what are we going to to do? I said finish eating. Fast forward to Sun morning and my wife gasps from the top of deck stairs when she sees a garter snake slither out and head over to the nearby wood line. Later I tell her I’m going to put a few snakes in the camper to handle the mice while we’re gone during the week. She said then your wife would never come here. I responded that it was a win/win for me then. woot rotflol

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    Later I tell her I’m going to put a few snakes in the camper to handle the mice while we’re gone during the week. She said then your wife would never come here. I responded that it was a win/win for me then.

    And that’s how the fight started. What Hospital did you wake up in, and how bad were the injuries ? jester

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    We’ve been together since Oct 2001, so she’s fully trained now. devil
    Both of us were about 30 when we met and had decided brutal honesty was best for either us to survive long term. It’s worked so far but “the change” is upon her and things are different some days.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    I agree with the others, if you can’t handle a snake in your yard look into an apartment in uptown.
    I grew up at a house with a snake wintering area in the back yard. We’d have hundreds in our yard at times. As boys we’d fill buckets and dump them out at the top of the hill and watch them “race” down. We survived and grew to enjoy seeing them.
    They aren’t hurting anything. Leave them be.

    Harris, Somewhere in VNP
    Posts: 1893

    I can’t believe some of you are on a hunting and fishing forum rotflol[/quote

    Why is that? We don’t agree with killing things because they’re scary or icky?
    I’ve been trapping, hunting, and fishing my whole life. Killed more critters than I could ever begin to count. That being said, killing things for no reason is not cool
    As hunters, fisherman, outdoorsman, we should be the first ones to defend wildlife. Don’t kill anything you don’t intend on eating or utilizing in some way. Its called conservation and we should all be doing our part.

    Posts: 1878

    Y’all love them snakes, but have you ever actually had a snake orgy in your yard. I use to want to be a herpetologist as a kid and would get in trouble for having pockets full of snakes, but still have no need for a mating ball in my yard.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12744

    Don’t kill anything you don’t intend on eating or utilizing in some way. Its called conservation and we should all be doing our part.

    Just curious if you feel the same way about Mosquitos’s, Deer Fly’s, and spiders as well, How about mice in the home?

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    “Don’t kill anything you don’t intend on eating or utilizing in some way.”

    Isn’t target practice “utilizing” them in some way? whistling

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1416

    Last year My GF had a huge nest of Garter snakes that were under her old water softener. New Culligan system went in and we thought they were gone. Well, this spring, between the cats and ourselves, we killed over 80 of those damn things. Most were only 10-18″ long. I don’t bother them when they stay outside and even try to avoid them with the lawn mower. But when you get one like this 4 footer coming with a foot of your head in bed, I’m killing the M’fer!!

    1. Garter-Snake.png

    Central WI
    Posts: 1776

    A mosquito, rodent, or deer fly can carry disease so that’s why they get dead. I should maybe place their heads on toothpicks at all ingress points as a warning to the rest, so I’m utilizing them. All spiders are venomous and there are a few in WI that can mess you up leaving a necrotic lesion that may never fully heal. You might get an infected bite if you mishandle a nonvenomous reptile or salmonella if you handle one and then lick your fingers. That’s about the extent of their danger. I’d probably feel differently about venomous snakes but they’re practically nonexistent in my neck of the woods. Having nonvenomous snakes around doesn’t bother me and I know they are actually helpful.

    Roberts, WI
    Posts: 4603

    Does anyone here know that garter snakes are rear fanged, venomous snakes??? The venom, like the eastern/western hognose, is practically useless again humans, but the rear fangs serve dual-purpose for popping expanded toads and frogs they’re trying to eat, which are the #1 preferred diet of these snakes. They will eat other offerings, but amphibians to a garter snake is like a crawfish to a smallmouth bass.

    I used to own a collection of snakes and got deep enough into herpetology to do some rescues and even perform veterinary treatments. I’m no expert, but I know a thing or three about snakes.

    Now, about that low-threat venom… you don’t know who does or doesn’t carry an allergy to it, like a bee sting, so the idea that they carry zero threat isn’t exactly true. Take that for what it’s worth.

    And I’m gonna puff out my chest a little here… WE do NOT invade THEIR homes. Go ahead, be offended. I’m sick and tired of the fluff BS being dolled out these days, demonizing anyone that chooses to remove pests, whether it’s by deterrent or death. WE ALL live on this planet. WE ALL invade each other’s domains. Get over it! If you want to pamper them, I’m fine with that. It’s your choice. But don’t get up on the self-promoting, self-righteous soapbox and devalue a fellow human who has just as much right to his choices as you do yours. All those cities were once wild country too, so save it. Meanwhile, there’s probably more wildlife in those cities than anyone is truly aware of! This man wants to deter them, and he didn’t say “kill them,” but now he’s gotta put up with ideological preaching too, just for searching for a deterrent? If you don’t like people telling you how to run your life, don’t do it to him.

    Now that I’ve fully demonstrated how to alienate people and lose friends, the best suggestion in this thread is the guinea hens. Beyond that, hunt down the resources that attract them and address them accordingly. Like all of nature, they’re attracted to food and cover. No food, no predators.

    Personally, I have a lot of toads on my property. Every time a new crop of pinky-nail sized toads shows up, the garters show up in droves. Once the toads thin, the garters tend to gravitate more toward the swamp again. The “bull” snakes can be hard on the songbirds, but I like the way they keep mice under control. I use bucket traps all over the place and I’ve noticed a drop in bull snakes since my deployment. I do catch them climbing trees and shrubs as an alternative though, but they have to eat too.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6807

    And I’m gonna puff out my chest a little here… WE do NOT invade THEIR homes. Go ahead, be offended. I’m sick and tired of the fluff BS being dolled out these days, demonizing anyone that chooses to remove pests, whether it’s by deterrent or death. WE ALL live on this planet. WE ALL invade each other’s domains. Get over it! If you want to pamper them, I’m fine with that. It’s your choice. But don’t get up on the self-promoting, self-righteous soapbox and devalue a fellow human who has just as much right to his choices as you do yours. All those cities were once wild country too, so save it. Meanwhile, there’s probably more wildlife in those cities than anyone is truly aware of! This man wants to deter them, and he didn’t say “kill them,” but now he’s gotta put up with ideological preaching too, just for searching for a deterrent? If you don’t like people telling you how to run your life, don’t do it to him.

    Well said brother!! waytogo

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