Smoker Cabinet

  • riverruns
    Posts: 2218

    Iowaboy1 asked for me to post some pictures of the smokehouse I use for smoking our meat. So here it is.

    The smokehouse was built by myself and some friends. We used metal roofing material for the inside and outside of the cabinet. Walls are also studded with aluminum studding. Walls and ceiling are fully insulated. It sits on a trailer that can be moved. Pretty nice to be able to pull it in front of the garage when we want to smoke and then its gone when we are done. Size of the smoker is 4X6.

    We use electric base board heaters (3) 220V for our heat. When it gets real cold and the wind is whipping I will add my turkey cooker and run the propane. That will do the job for heat. We use to use the wood stove you see pictured on the front of the trailer. It did the job but was very hard to regulate the temperature inside the cabinet. We have a thermostat that we use for the electric heat. For the smoke inside the cabinet, I use 2 A-Maze-N pellet tubes 12″ laid on the floor. I have a smoke generator I built but these tubs are so much easier to use. Any questions let me know. Thanks. Shawn

    Posts: 2218

    Here are the pics. I hope?

    1. 20170202_093737.jpg

    2. 20170202_093650.jpg

    3. 20170202_093641.jpg

    4. 20170202_093627.jpg

    Harrisville, UT
    Posts: 2816

    What do you use when you feel like smoking a few wings or a single rack of ribs?

    Posts: 3913

    thanks riverruns!! that looks about like what I was thinking of building only not as deep.
    is the door insulated also??
    what does it cost to run with that many electric heaters??
    I know 220 volt units are cheaper to run than 110 volt units but I would like an idea of what to expect on my electric bill if I go that route.

    I can help but believe when you fire that puppy up the neighbors come running !!
    thanks for doing this,it is appreciated!!

    Posts: 2218

    What do you use when you feel like smoking a few wings or a single rack of ribs?

    I use a Masterbuilt smoker for the everyday stuff when we want it. I also use it for stuff I want to smoke say less than a 20# batch. It works good. Fish or meat, doesn’t matter. It is propane and that is fine. Shawn

    Posts: 2218

    thanks riverruns!! that looks about like what I was thinking of building only not as deep.
    is the door insulated also??
    what does it cost to run with that many electric heaters??
    I know 220 volt units are cheaper to run than 110 volt units but I would like an idea of what to expect on my electric bill if I go that route.

    I can help but believe when you fire that puppy up the neighbors come running !!
    thanks for doing this,it is appreciated!!

    The door is insulated as well.

    As far as the cost for electric? I have no idea. My wife knows when we do the meat. She pays that bill.

    As far as cost for electric for the use, I would have no idea. If you enjoy it, is there a cost? I don’t do it often enough to have to worry about that cost. One should, but I enjoy doing it. So I don’t worry about that cost. Now I will. sleeping Thanks.

    Posts: 5139

    As far as cost to run goes I have no idea the actual wattage of the heaters, however as a ballpark I’ll use 1000 watts each so 3 heaters 3000 watts. As a ballpark cost per kWh the average in the US is around $.12 currently I believe.

    So take 3000 and multiply that by .12, then divide by 100 and you get $.36 to run per hour.

    Not too terrible if it’s occasional use.

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