Smitty Sled rope attachment point

  • archerj
    Posts: 51

    Has anyone experimented with the attachment point of the rope? I see most pics where it is on the ski tips. I was thinking of attaching on the front blocks, any suggestions or experiences?


    Posts: 235

    Mine are front blocks at the top. No issues here.

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760

    I run mine through the tips. And no problems you can always try both ways it won’t hurt anything.

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2548

    Connecting to the tips is supposed to help with lift on the front of the skis to keep them higher in the snow. Not sure how much difference it makes.

    Gary M
    Posts: 89

    I use front blocks and have no problems at all

    Lee Russ
    Posts: 7

    Through the tips here, works great.

    Posts: 94

    Sorry to high jack your thread but I was just wondering I have a otter xt pro 1200 lodge if I put it on a snotty sled would it be a lot easier to pull by hand ?

    Andover, Mn
    Posts: 299

    To sled for me, works fine

    1. 20141230_195011.jpg

    Kent thompson
    Foreston mn
    Posts: 328

    Sorry to high jack your thread but I was just wondering I have a otter xt pro 1200 lodge if I put it on a snotty sled would it be a lot easier to pull by hand ?

    . K it’s hard to say if there’s a lot of snot on it id say yes! 😉 Sorry couldn’t resist, it makes for a much easier pull with my cabin I would assume the same with the lodge but there is a larger weight difference there as well won’t be an effortless pull by Any means.

    Posts: 94

    I can drag it fine just looking for a little easier pull till the ice gets a little thicker to drive on its a long walk some times hauling all my gear lol

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Just built my smitty and pulled my otter cottage fully loaded oUT over a mile 1 way on red. I attached through the blocks but I think either attachment point would be fine. Try to ski tips see if the extra lift helps. Just in thinuking about that I wonder if the lift would result in any kind of strain on your back?…

    Posts: 51

    I put the rope through the tips and gave it a whirl today. Pulled it with a clam legend XL, heater, flasher, lures etc. We have 5-6″ of snow about a mile and I tell you I had to work my ass off! I don’t think there is any way I would have made it without the smitty, but I was expecting it to pull a lot easier. I have narrow cross country skis on it. I did experiment withe the length of rope and could tell the difference. too short and it was harder to pull(probably “lifting” more weight)

    I can’t imaging trying to pull a larger otter sled through that much snow! maybe a couple inches

    Posts: 44

    Mine goes through the tips and I felt no strain pulling my cottage out last weekend. I designed mine with steel legs so attaching to the blocks was not an option.

    Posts: 73

    I pull from the frame, long rope is the key, broke attachment points of ski to leg on first sleds putting side pressure on ski tips going over broken ice ridges heavy loaded when attached to tips. Attached to frame not a problem since. Wide and as long as possible downhill ski’s work best in snow over 6 inch when loaded, any ski’s work great on ice or low snow pack. deep.Fish safe.

    Posts: 94

    Well just made one today I hope it works good

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    Posts: 11

    Probably a stupid question but I am about to spend $50 on a runner kit for the Clam Yukon, this looks better than a runner kit.

    Is there a plan for this or just wing it

    Posts: 94

    I got the skis for 8 dollars and the wood for 15 . Just build it how ever u need it that sled took me a hour to build. All let u know how it works with the longe xt 1200 pro on it .

    Posts: 7348

    All this Smitty talk made a guy go pick up some skis myself off CL. Now off to find a plastic shopping cart….

    Al Case
    Posts: 306

    “plastic shopping cart”….hmmmm. Post a pic of the end product, please.

    Posts: 51

    does waxing the skis help? When I pull mine I can hear it chattering as it slides through the snow as if the snow is packing under and sticking a little. Never was a skier so I don’t know if wax is to make them slide easier or grab a little when skiing

    Steve Hix
    Dysart, Iowa
    Posts: 1141

    Where did you guys find the skies and how much did you pay for them?

    Are these downhill skies and how long should they be.


    Posts: 7348

    My first time trying it, but figured I’d want something to fit in the back of my Tahoe without folding down seats, and could put in/take out whole to eliminate prep time BC times limited. Got 130cm(50″?) downhill skis, $20, really wide. Figured it would give best chance of keeping on top of whatever snow there is, and eventually wax the hell out of them to maximize slide.

    Not sure how the shorter base will work out but figured the large tips should help. Will have a hub house and auger to figure out, but a shopping cart should be nice with taller sides that you could essentially pile stuff in, and have handles in the back for when wanting to change things up and push it, not me push it, the kids devil

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    “does waxing the skis help?”

    I haven’t done so but yes I believe it would help.

    “Where did you guys find the skies and how much did you pay for them?”

    I found mine at a garage sale where they were giving them away for free. I have seen them piled in corners at thrift stores for next to nothing. they don’t have to be anything fancy or special just old skis will do the trick. you should be able to get what you are looking for for less than 10$

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