Smitty Build

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    Started yesterday afternoon, just need to fasten the skis.
    Glued, mortised and screwed joints.
    I know, it looks heavy. It’s 55lbs, but it will be going to the cabin and will be sitting down by the lake so I don’t need to transport it.
    I haven’t added any bling yet, Auger mount, Helix 7, otter lights.

    A couple questions.
    1) Does it look like it’s sitting on the skis in the correct position or should I move towards the front of the skis?
    2) Do I take the camber out of the skis before I mount them?
    3) Any thing I missed or should add?

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    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    A couple more

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    Posts: 3913

    I like it ! a little mattress,a heavy blanket,a childs tent over the top and you can take the grandson out on the ice with you!
    of course there is some additional safety equipment you will need along with spare bottles,diapers,toy box,ah,you get the idea,just dont keep him out too long.

    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5145

    I’d add a couple things.

    1) a snowmobile to pull that heavy sumbitch.

    2) cup holders.

    Seriously, the position looks pretty good. Will depend on how you distribute the weight on it but you don’t want weight on the front and have it dig in. Sitting a little further back on the skis seems right.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3120

    you forgot the strobe light!

    1. strobe-light.jpg

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4000

    Looks nice and heavy. To make it easier to move on dry land you could add a wheel behind each ski so you can move it around like a wheelbarrow. Use the ski tip as your handle. Nice work.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    2) Do I take the camber out of the skis before I mount them?

    I’d say no. XC skis are designed to glide on the front and rear sections of the ski with the mid-section not in contact with the snow. The ski flexes when you kick, putting the middle portion in contact with the snow (which gives you some resistance with the snow).

    Red wing,mn
    Posts: 1632

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    2) Do I take the camber out of the skis before I mount them?

    I’d say no. XC skis are designed to glide on the front and rear sections of the ski with the mid-section not in contact with the snow. The ski flexes when you kick, putting the middle portion in contact with the snow (which gives you some resistance with the snow).

    Looks great! Any thought on putting downhill skis on instead of cross country? metal edge and more surface area for more float on snow?

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3140

    I take it this is not the knock down model for hauling in your Prius?

    Posts: 2117

    Good god that thing is beast lol. I like it!

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>eelpoutguy wrote:</div>
    2) Do I take the camber out of the skis before I mount them?

    I’d say no. XC skis are designed to glide on the front and rear sections of the ski with the mid-section not in contact with the snow. The ski flexes when you kick, putting the middle portion in contact with the snow (which gives you some resistance with the snow).

    X2. As noted the point of the camber is to only have that portion of the ski in contact during the kick. That weight would be released during the glide. In terms of placement I might try center the weight over the portion of the ski where the binding is mounted. Basically where you would normally be standing on the ski.

    Out of curiosity, with 55 lbs of lumber what is your new sled weight with gear?

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    Out of curiosity, with 55 lbs of lumber what is your new sled weight with gear?

    Not sure yet. Not much to weight to add If I don’t have the Otter Hub.

    If I load the strobe and Corona we ain’t goin nowhere?

    It’s my first shot at it, it could end up on top of the fire pit. doah bawling

    Posts: 6629

    Definitely looks like a quality build EPG waytogo

    I think it will work just fine for your set-up especially since you’re leaving it down by the lake.

    If you were loading and unloading all the time it would be a different story.

    It should pull just fine. If you want to shed a few pounds you could always go to town with a hole saw and a mini hand router to core it out. But for what you’re doing I think it will work great, especially if the rest of your gear is relatively light (using an electric auger instead of a 10″ 3hp, etc)

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1070

    Looks like you did a nice job building the Chrysler imperial of smitty sleds! Bring that thing down to the sturgeon gtg so we can take rides on it.

    Posts: 2851

    What are you putting on that thing for a motor?It looks nice,good job.I bet it will make a hell of a nice flower planter.

    Mound, MN
    Posts: 5757

    Certainly looks robust. Here is one I constructed a few years ago. Last week I pulled my 7 ft otter sled loaded with everything under the sun and 2 of my kids through a few inches of snow and didn’t break a sweat. Smitty sleds are a life saver

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    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    I gotta a different rig for the GTG but if I have room on the trailer I’ll bring it with.

    Just took it for its maiden journey.
    WOW! Amazingly easy to pull. 2 weekends ago I was pulling the smallest otter sled with the usual’s, and that had to be easy 2 to 3 times the resistance.
    So far it looks like a keeper.

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    I loaded it up with 180lbs of plate weights. (235 GVW).
    Not bad, I wouldn’t want to pull it a mile but if fish were biting out that far I could. waytogo

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    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4317

    A motor, some tracks, and a trailer hitch and you’re good to go!

    Hudson, Wi/Aitkin Co
    Posts: 1450

    What method did you use to attach the skis to the supports? Countersunk screws from the bottom of the ski?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12246

    3) Any thing I missed or should add?

    You’ve forgotten the flag pole mount.

    I calculated the wind load on a 25-foot flag pole with a 24 square foot sail area and to make sure your sled doesn’t blow over, you’ll also need to add ballast to the sled. In true IDO style, you need to overkill this to be safe, 500 pounds should be enough.


    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11075

    Countersunk 2 of these in each ski connection.

    Fyi- it just got a bit lighter, The UPS man just delivered the lite flite waytogo

    I’m working on the flag pole yay

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