Small Rifle Primers

  • TheFamousGrouse
    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Sorry, but you’re going to have to get very, very lucky to find small rifle right now. Reloading supplies are at a panic-fueled low everywhere. It’s as bad as I’ve seen it and I thought the last panic was bad.

    Keep watching the websites and don’t just stick to the obvious “big name” places like Midway. Back in 2012-2014 during the last panic, I had been out of SR for almost a year. I finally found some at a small outdoor shop that didn’t even have a website and I managed to get 1000. After that I didn’t see them on shelves again until 6 months later when things really started to come back. It wasn’t until 2015 that things started getting anywhere close to what I’d call normal stock levels.

    If you load with SR and SP, after this panic is over, buy 10k to put away for the next panic. Powder and bullets I can usually work with what I’ve got because I keep a lot of different types in stock, but primers are a show stopper.


    Posts: 6687

    Yeah i thought i’d throw it out and maybe get lucky. Been searching for 4 months with zero found.
    I have two loads worked up with WSR and CCI BR4 that are well under MOA. Total maybe 1,500.

    I have 1000 WSR 6-1/2 primers if anyone is willing to trade. (These are not meant for 223 FYI, but low pressure reloads can get away with them)

    How about this, will trade Fishing Info for primers santa

    Posts: 6687

    DUmbest thing i did in 2020 was not buy the 5,000+ primers when i found them in august at a small shop (CCI BR4, only bought 1,000). Was building loads at the time so didn’t want to buy bulk…Kicking myself now! doah

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    How about this, will trade Fishing Info for primers

    Hmmm. We are talking about SR primers here but okay…

    It’ll have to be info, boat, gas, guide, bait, snacks, bevs, and I like extra mayo on my turkey sandwich and on 14-grain organic bread, not that cheap 12 grain stuff.

    Also, it needs to be HOT action. Not just this grinding out 2-3 fish an hour.
    Oh, and weather. Needs to be nice. Really nice. None of those sunny but windy days either. And the boat. I need a lot of space to spread out my gear, so 18-foot minimum….


    Posts: 756

    “notify me when in stock.” Use this feature on websites that carry the ammo or reloading components you’re looking for. Have your account already set up with payment information, and the second you get that email, be ready to pull the trigger.

    Posts: 6687

    “notify me when in stock.” Use this feature on websites that carry the ammo or reloading components you’re looking for. Have your account already set up with payment information, and the second you get that email, be ready to pull the trigger.

    Yeah i think i did that to 40 websites a few months ago. I have not received one email. doah Has this worked for you? I suppose i’m way down on the list of recipients or something. I know most website are not shipping.

    Darn Canada has a pile of primers – but cannot ship to US.

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    Yeah i think i did that to 40 websites a few months ago. I have not received one email. Has this worked for you? I suppose i’m way down on the list of recipients or something. I know most website are not shipping.

    It works but after the email goes out, you’ll have .0005 seconds to order, get your payment info in, and hit the buy button or they will be out of stock again. Type fast. Good luck.

    During the last panic, I had a lot better luck shopping in person. A lot of places allocate some inventory to the storefront locations so while the website may say not in stock, the actual store has them on the shelves. This was ultimately how I found both primers and powder during the last panic.

    Sorry for your troubles for sure. I know these mindless panics are frustrating, and even worse is a lot of this is caused by people who don’t actually shoot that much.


    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13923

    Might have 3 or 4 bricks of cci so I’ll check when I get home. I only have a couple loads worked up with them and they are my least used.

    Posts: 756

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>tornadochaser wrote:</div>
    “notify me when in stock.” Use this feature on websites that carry the ammo or reloading components you’re looking for. Have your account already set up with payment information, and the second you get that email, be ready to pull the trigger.

    Yeah i think i did that to 40 websites a few months ago. I have not received one email. doah Has this worked for you? I suppose i’m way down on the list of recipients or something. I know most website are not shipping.

    Darn Canada has a pile of primers – but cannot ship to US.

    I found the shotgun primers I needed via an in stock alert. Also got an alert recently that Federal 124 gr HST was in stock for pre-panic prices and was able to pick up another 250 rounds.

    Austin MN
    Posts: 483

    I might have some remington 7 1/2 primers. I’ll check when I get home later.

    Posts: 6687

    snelson223 was gratious enough to supply enough primers to get me through 2021. Thank you sir! Looking forward to meeting you this weekend.

    He also found some bullets at MIDSOUTH SHOOTERS online.
    I grabbed a bunch of those.

    If looking for some varmint rounds (Bullets only) they’ve got some in stock.

    If anyone has a need for Remington 6-1/2 small rifle primers, i’ll let them go for a good price to IDO members. These are not intended for .223 FYI.

    Rosemount, MN
    Posts: 45

    I was able to get some small pistol primers at Scheels yesterday. They limit you to 200 but at least they had some. No luck on the small rifle but I agree with Grouse that the stores may get some to keep the walk-in customers looking. I have seen a couple posts on Craigslist but they are scamming the price by asking almost 10 times the store price. I hope Karma catches up to these folks when they need something!

    Posts: 756

    I have seen a couple posts on Craigslist but they are scamming the price by asking almost 10 times the store price. I hope Karma catches up to these folks when they need something!

    How is that scamming? Seems like capitalism to me; especially if there are willing buyers. I know a few guys that count primers by weight, not by pieces. They are willingly selling some of their stash when the retail market can’t keep up. Good for them for making a profit.

    Richland County, WI
    Posts: 715

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>kbmwer wrote:</div>
    I have seen a couple posts on Craigslist but they are scamming the price by asking almost 10 times the store price. I hope Karma catches up to these folks when they need something!

    How is that scamming? Seems like capitalism to me; especially if there are willing buyers. I know a few guys that count primers by weight, not by pieces. They are willingly selling some of their stash when the retail market can’t keep up. Good for them for making a profit.

    The only problem I see possible is if they are hitting every reloading supply store to buy just to sell at a profit

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 12323

    How is that scamming? Seems like capitalism to me; especially if there are willing buyers. I know a few guys that count primers by weight, not by pieces. They are willingly selling some of their stash when the retail market can’t keep up. Good for them for making a profit.

    So were you saying the same thing about all the people who loaded up on toilet paper, N95 masks, and disinfecting products at the start of the pandemic? Good for them for making a profit?

    Capitalism describes economics, but it leaves out ethics.


    Posts: 756

    Get lost boys. Not here.

    Given the subject of the post it’s a relevant argument.
    Demand sets the price. It’s blasphemy when the secondary market has product available, but nobody blinks when major retailers double, triple, quadruple their prices whether its ammo or N95s.

    Ryan Lehman
    Posts: 1

    Hey Randy, you wouldn’t still have those CCI magnums would you? I do all my 300BLk with magnums and can’t find them anywhere (not surprised). If your interested in selling, please let me know. Thanks

    Chris Johnson
    Posts: 1

    I have been buying primers of all sorts online. I buy from a company called Reload Unlimited you can find the link here They have primers in stock quite often.

    Posts: 6687

    Thanks Chris.

    The past two months I’ve been using
    You can sign up for free and get alerts when things are in stock. It’s a terrible thing… has cost me lots of coin. rotflol

    Check your email often and BE FAST at checkout. I have 3k primers being delivered today. Lots of things don’t last 10 minutes. Primers especially.
    Still trying to get pistol primers, and missed a few alerts, but things are becoming more frequently found, albeit still considered seldom.

    Ammoseek searches everywhere online, all the time. It’s a lifesaver right now.

    Jesse Anderson
    Posts: 2

    I have bought from a couple of times they are good company. I would recommend.

    Jimmy Bromberg
    Posts: 2

    I have bought from too a little slow but they have stuff in stock. Today they have primers in stock. You just have to keep checking their website.

    Riley Richardson
    Posts: 1
    #2027318 has them in stock alot. I would suggest them.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3919

    Last 3 posts, all new members….
    Its not just the bait that smells fishy.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    Last 3 posts, all new members….
    Its not just the bait that smells fishy.

    Make that 4, Chris is also a new member. I agree that something seems off.

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