Small Glocks 42/43

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Anyone have one? Feedback? Online research indicates Glock lovers, well, love them! )
    I am very interested in the 43 as a carry option. Limited holster options currently available but I’m sure that will change.

    Posts: 1054

    I looked hard at the 43 and the walther pps . I preferred the sights and mag release on the Walter as I am a lefty. I have shot a few hundred rounds out of it and am happy with my purchase.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    I am embarrassed for Ryan to read this but I just bought one…… eek

    Posts: 101

    I purchased a 43 last fall and carry it most of the time I’m out and about if I’m wearing a coat. Personally I still find it a bit cumbersome to carry all the time. Even with carry holsters I’m catching the rear sight at different times. I really enjoy shooting Glocks and appreciate their reliability and fit. My biggest drawback is the trigger safety. Any time I carry I have this Saf-T-Blok in the trigger guard – this pops out quickly! I’m probably going to save up and buy a small revolver for carry purposes only.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    My current daily carry is a G23 so this one will be a lot smaller. I’m looking forward to that and the fact its not a .380 which was my summer clothing option in years past.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764

    I am embarrassed for Ryan to read this but I just bought one…… eek

    Bwa ha ha ha! rotflol I love it!

    Your washing machine decision took way longer!

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    Your washing machine decision took way longer!

    That was pretty quick between asking for feedback and “I got one” devil

    Let us now how your long term opinion is. So we’ll here from you in two days? whistling

    Seriously, congrats on the purchase and interested in your experiences along the way.

    Eagan, MN
    Posts: 311

    I own many different Glocks and really like them 17,19,22,23,35,43 I have also shot a buddies 26 and loved it too it recoiled much like my 17 at the time. What I find of the 43 is that it is a bit snappy on the recoil so it is not as enjoyable to shoot. Which really surprised me. I have not shot it a lot yet and still shopping holsters. As a result of this I went out and got a S & W shield and I really like this gun from a shooting standpoint. And that is saying a lot from a Glock guy

    My main carry is a Ruger LCP. With a pocket holster I can conceal it safely and I forget it is there.

    Posts: 9309

    Did you make your first post while waiting in line at the gun counter? jester

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Did you make your first post while waiting in line at the gun counter? jester


    Bob-I keep hearing good thinks about those Shields but have never handled one. I should but I’m afraid I’ll like it too much. I figured the 43 would sting the palm a little given its size and caliber. First thing I’m doing is putting rubber wrap on it so that should help a little. Otherwise no biggie. I didnt get it as a range only gun. That LCP pokes your hand pretty good even though its a .380! I keep hearing from different people the 42 has very little felt recoil and is fun to shoot. I have no use for a 42 but damn they sure are cute.

    Terry Heese
    Posts: 168

    I carry a Glock 42 or a Ruger LC9S, like them both. Had a SW shield .40,
    might be ok in 9mm but I didn’t care for the .40 with that small of frame.
    Son has a Walther PPS, I love the way it shoots but the tear down on that
    thing is a bear compared to a Glock.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>suzuki wrote:</div>
    I have no use for a 42…

    Has that ever stopped you before??? rotflol

    Leave me alone. tongue I looked at a 42 in Gander this morning. When I told the gun guy that he assured me I could use one and I believe him. cool

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Update. Easily the best carry gun ive had yet. The size makes it a breeze to carry, the caliber is good (9mm) and it operates like any Glock. Shoots well. Only negative.I have is round capacity but if you buy a (+1) extension you can load 8. I give this one a hardy thumbs up. Especially to a Glock enthusiast.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010


    Posts: 9309

    Thought hard about the Glock as I love Glock but I’m going to by a 9mm Shield on Sunday. woot

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18987

    Talon grips also seem like a necessity.

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