• Chris Norlock
    Posts: 82

    Check out the new K Drill ad on YouTube . Oh how the marketing can change so fast. Also, funny how they have a 7,5 inch version all the sudden ( didn’t have to change the factory line for that one)

    Posts: 4802

    Yea I’ll keep my lite flite that cleans the slush and ice chips out much better. waytogo

    Posts: 130

    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    Posts: 1507

    I just lost any faith in K-drill, Thankfully I have that terrible lite flite which has never burned my drill up yet. My K drill was slow and burned the drill up am I missing something crazy Thanks Strikemaster!

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    Oh no, they don’t have a warning sticker on those other augers saying they cut thru ice so fast they could break your arm off. I guess I should go back to a hand auger to be safe.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2698

    That was pretty bad, lost some respect for the Kdrill there.

    Chris Norlock
    Posts: 82

    Ok wasn’t just me ,, The claims are laughable and absolutely horrible marketing

    Posts: 952

    doah That is embarrassing.

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12748

    I love my K-drill – Going on the 4th season with it and almost No problems. I did end up replacing 1 flight last year. That said I don’t think this Video is doing them any favor’s.

    Posts: 4802

    Embarrassing Vexilar would even be associated with that

    Posts: 1287

    Who is that pitchman? That isn’t the original promo guy, Tom Zenanko, is it?

    He has a Billy Mays vibe going on – embarrassing.

    Posts: 542

    Next up: Tom Zenanco explains how using any modern style fish finder that isn’t a Vexilar will GIVE YOU CANCER!!!!!

    Posts: 1130

    He’s a Hall of Fame angler so he obviously knows a thing or two about fishing. Seems to be sure sign that they see the competition in the passing lane.

    However, I don’t think this one is as bad as the lesson on the Pro View ducer explaining how to adjust your cone angle by turning the gain up and down. That’s not how it works, but they sure wanted us to believe it.

    Posts: 13108

    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    All though annoying video mostly because of the pitchman and never a great sales idea to bash your competition. Not sure what he lied about however. Maybe I missed something.

    Nisswa, MN
    Posts: 1997

    That was horrible, just awful. The K drill is a great product, it really is. If people want to have a chipper vs shaver blade argument fine. This video is just flamethrowing garbage. Throwing parts across the ice and trying to scare people. Sad

    Posts: 1130

    Holding the competition’s product and shouting “THEY DRILL THROUGH THE ICE LIKE BUTTER!”


    Posts: 130

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    All though annoying video mostly because of the pitchman and never a great sales idea to bash your competition. Not sure what he lied about however. Maybe I missed something.

    Calling the lite-flight a hand auger that they slapped a drill bit on and therefor is dangerous and will break arms would be the lie. Correct me if I’m wrong but the lite-flight was designed from day one to be used by an electric drill or their electric powerheads which is why it has the decades old serrated lazer blades that have always been used on the “power” augers. The hand augers have smooth blades.

    Ryan Wilson
    Posts: 335

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    All though annoying video mostly because of the pitchman and never a great sales idea to bash your competition. Not sure what he lied about however. Maybe I missed something.

    Mostly the part about if you don’t use a k-drill you’re going to cut your leg off. Then there’s the “slush issues”. Then there’s the part about design over function. The “drill designed flighting” really gave me laugh. It’s like they are giving the impression that you’re not a “real” ice angler if you have a hand auger attached to a drill so instead of using what you might already have because it’s “dangerous” and “not designed for a drill” just give their company money for something you more than likely don’t need. That is 100% marketing crap that hundreds of us ice anglers can attest to.

    Implying that they’re design is “safe” is also asinine. It’s no safer than any other ice auger in any other configuration. They are giving a false sense of safety that doesn’t apply to their product. ALL ICE AUGERS CAN BE DANGEROUS! Usually, it’s down to whoever is using it.

    What he lied about was the need for a k-drill to have a safe enjoyable time drilling holes and that anything other drill setup was not and could not supply any safety or enjoyment. Typical Vexilar sponsored rhetoric if you ask me. Jason Mitchell at the end of the video was the cherry on top……..

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Oh my! We should take a bet as to how long it takes for this video to get pulled. Most embarrassing thing I’ve ever seen.

    I pick (7 days from today) this video is no longer available.

    Posts: 952

    I wonder what he would say about guys who spin around on their gas augers.

    Posts: 13108

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>Ripjiggen wrote:</div>

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    All though annoying video mostly because of the pitchman and never a great sales idea to bash your competition. Not sure what he lied about however. Maybe I missed something.

    Mostly the part about if you don’t use a k-drill you’re going to cut your leg off. Then there’s the “slush issues”. Then there’s the part about design over function. The “drill designed flighting” really gave me laugh. It’s like they are giving the impression that you’re not a “real” ice angler if you have a hand auger attached to a drill so instead of using what you might already have because it’s “dangerous” and “not designed for a drill” just give their company money for something you more than likely don’t need. That is 100% marketing crap that hundreds of us ice anglers can attest to.

    Implying that they’re design is “safe” is also asinine. It’s no safer than any other ice auger in any other configuration. They are giving a false sense of safety that doesn’t apply to their product. ALL ICE AUGERS CAN BE DANGEROUS! Usually, it’s down to whoever is using it.

    What he lied about was the need for a k-drill to have a safe enjoyable time drilling holes and that anything other drill setup was not and could not supply any safety or enjoyment. Typical Vexilar sponsored rhetoric if you ask me. Jason Mitchell at the end of the video was the cherry on top……..

    I guess I didn’t read into as much as you did. Don’t recall him saying you are going to cut your leg off. Don’t recall him saying you need the k drill to have a safe and enjoyable time on the ice.
    I took it as him explaining that the k drill was built specifically for a drill in their design.

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>bfishn wrote:</div>
    Wow that video is down right embarrassing, also several lies and mistruths being spouted. Is this their new attempt at marketing? I’ll stick to my “Unsafe and Fast” $39 Eskimo hand auger on my Millwaukee, I’ll be sure to let up at the bottom of the ice so I don’t break another arm!

    All though annoying video mostly because of the pitchman and never a great sales idea to bash your competition. Not sure what he lied about however. Maybe I missed something.

    Calling the lite-flight a hand auger that they slapped a drill bit on and therefor is dangerous and will break arms would be the lie. Correct me if I’m wrong but the lite-flight was designed from day one to be used by an electric drill or their electric powerheads which is why it has the decades old serrated lazer blades that have always been used on the “power” augers. The hand augers have smooth blades.

    And that is fine to use your Eskimo hand auger bit with your drill. However that is not what it was designed for. I think that is what he was trying to say.

    Anywho I agree the commercial was pretty bad but it’s YouTube peeps what do you expect.
    I guess I just didn’t get as worked up as some about the video. Carry on.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    This is gold. Pure comedy. I love it

    Upper Midwest
    Posts: 9139

    Terrible video and marketing scheme. I sense a lot of frustration from the product’s marketing team who was one of the first to the market, but now have stiff competition that they never envisioned when this switch to cordless rechargeable drills all started.

    However, the K Drill does work just fine for me and I have no reason to switch. I like the free resharpening that I’ve utilized once (and probably wouldn’t have had to). I have hit logs, mud, dirt, etc without issues or damaging their blades.

    Posts: 674

    Holding the competition’s product and shouting “THEY DRILL THROUGH THE ICE LIKE BUTTER!”


    Now that’s funny. Interesting way to sell your own product!

    So much is wrong with this video. Slamming competitor’s equipment around, saying it’s a hand auger when it was actually designed to be used as a drill or power auger bit, and talking about how DANGEROUS it is. I’m not recommending that anybody should try it, but my 8 inch Lite Flite is so smooth I think I could drill an entire hole start to finish with it chucked up in my Milwaukee with 1 hand. I’ve been so surprised how smooth it is at the bottom of the hole.

    I’m sure the K drill works well for the purpose of some – re drilling old holes in a wheelhouse or drilling dirty ice. For hole hopping and searching for fish I really feel they are painfully slow, and I’ve drilled a hole with one on a Milwaulee Fuel with sharp blades, 6 inch even.

    I’ll stick to my light, fast, and super smooth light flight or Nils and take my chances with broken arms!

    Too bad that Jason Mitchel was tied in at the end. I don’t think he would even bash other products like that.

    Rhinelander, WI
    Posts: 1117

    Strange, my gas auger with the standard flutes doesn’t “throw ice chips all over the place” or up in my face like they described. Maybe mine’s defective?

    Joe Scegura
    Alexandria MN
    Posts: 2758

    Strange, my gas auger with the standard flutes doesn’t “throw ice chips all over the place” or up in my face like they described. Maybe mine’s defective?

    No but I bet your auger actually cleans the hole out when you’re Drilling through deep ice… the Kdrill can’t even clean the hole out when drilling in 30″+ of ice. He doesn’t talk about the part where his segmented flutes basically make the auger not usable late-season.

    I have personally seen many people just give up drilling holes with a K drill when there’s thick ice. Maybe the guys I was watching we’re just doing it wrong? But I saw what I saw and they couldn’t use their augers. Multiple people with K drills basically throwing them down on the ice in defeat. I was kind enough to bring over my StrikeMaster “hand auger” and drill combination so they could fish that day.

    Posts: 666

    <div class=”d4p-bbt-quote-title”>reverend wrote:</div>
    Strange, my gas auger with the standard flutes doesn’t “throw ice chips all over the place” or up in my face like they described. Maybe mine’s defective?

    No but I bet your auger actually cleans the hole out when you’re Drilling through deep ice… the Kdrill can’t even clean the hole out when drilling in 30″+ of ice. He doesn’t talk about the part where his segmented flutes basically make the auger not usable late-season.

    I have personally seen many people just give up drilling holes with a K drill when there’s thick ice. Maybe the guys I was watching we’re just doing it wrong? But I saw what I saw and they couldn’t use their augers. Multiple people with K drills basically throwing them down on the ice in defeat. I was kind enough to bring over my StrikeMaster “hand auger” and drill combination so they could fish that day.

    While the video may be obnoxious the product is good, I think very good. I have had one since their first release, 5- 6 years? I cant recall. I am going to assume that person either had dull blades or bought one of those underpowered drills.

    As most know it is pretty tricky making sure you get the proper drill. With extension or without, I have NEVER had any issues getting through any ice with the K-drill. It apparently just takes me 5- 15 seconds longer than others depending on ice thickness.

    Opening old holes is not just of value in a house. I can cut right down the center of an old hole or even on the edge of an old hole. I can drill at an angle if I wanted to for any reason. I can also very easily drill a cluster of holes together to give me a bigger opening. I find opening existing holes most valuable due the battery savings while hole hopping. Often the ice is quite a bit thinner in old holes so I can get more miles out of my battery as a result.

    As a side note, I have drilled thousands of holes, I have had my original blades sharpened once and I don’t plan on doing so this season as they were still very good end of last year.

    As for the video, needs to go.

    SE MN
    Posts: 5255

    I never understood the speed of cutting being the marketing edge? We are talking seconds difference here……seconds! I don’t go fishing to see how fast I can cut holes, maybe some do?
    I have the 8″ lite flite and its nice and all. I tried it on my cordless but I decided to put it on my Honda 4 stroke. Just like the feel of 2 handles while drilling. Early ice, I will use the drill but that’s it for me.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22389

    Wasn’t the first k drill advertised as how fast it cut and they could pop 100 holes to the old school augers 10 and they were so much lighter.
    Their patent obviously failed to do so, now the marketing has to shift to its safer and more sufficient

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