Do You Remember Strip-Ons??

  • dan-larson
    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    When I was a kid my Dad and I used to bobber fish with 4″-6″ suckers on opener, then towards the end of the day we would take the dead ones and back troll them on Strip-Ons. Have you guys ever seen a rig like a Strip-On for really big minnows like 10″ers?

    Steve Root
    South St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 5727

    My Dad really liked strip-on spinners. One day he very carefully rigged one up, checked to see that the minnow was nice and straight, and then he pitched the thing right over the side of the boat…..without clipping it to his line first. I was old enough to know I should keep my mouth shut


    Cedar, Min-E-So-Ta
    Posts: 1482

    That is classic. The one thing I remember about fishing them is the how hard the hit was when we backtrolled so slow down the weedline edges. I used to hold on to the Zebco 303 with both hands, lesson learned after not paying attention and having my rod and reel go skidding across the floor from stern to bow of the old Thundercraft 14 ft tri-hull. I got a little talking to after that one.

    Posts: 1957

    Not sure if it’s the same idea but my dad builds what he calls a “streamer”. It’s about 14″ long, made of heavy gauge wire, has a treble on the end with a bucktail wrap. The wire gets threaded through the minnow, tail to head. This contraption has been deadly on monster pike! We never trolled them, just lazy fished them on a steep break with current off an island while in the BWCA.


    Posts: 350

    I bought some about 5 or 6 years ago. JR Lures made them. Called JB Intimidators. Not big enough for 10″ suckers though. Maybe they would make some for you.

    Crosby, MN
    Posts: 3137

    We used them on our Canada trips all the time back in the 70’s and 80’s. I haven’t seen any for big 10″ suckers but
    Birddog’s rig sounds like it would work great.


    Burnsville, MN
    Posts: 160

    Thanks Dan for the memories!!

    Some friends and I used to carry an old fiberglass sail boat we had (we were between 8-12 years old at the time) about a 1/2 mile through the woods to a little man made lake. It was far too heavy for us, and we had to stop about every 10 steps to take a break. It would take a good couple of hours to get it to the lake, so by the time we went back for the minnows and got everything aflaot, the sucker minnows were deader then dead.

    Thats when the fun started. We used to pull in pike hand over fist using strickly strip-ons. Trolling with an old electric trolling motor. Did I mention we carried a car battery and the trolling motor off my dads boat that distance too!

    I need a rest just thinking about it.

    Thanks for the memory. I will be calling a couple of buddies tonight to reminisce.

    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    Distant Memories,

    When I was a kid my dad & uncle trolled with them alot on pool 4 with lead line. Also used the same rig for lake trout in Canada. That’s was along time back. The only ones I have seen lately are in display cases with the cardboard backing they come with.


    South Minnesota
    Posts: 675

    How bout June bug spinners??


    Steve Plantz
    SE MN
    Posts: 12239


    My Dad really liked strip-on spinners. One day he very carefully rigged one up, checked to see that the minnow was nice and straight, and then he pitched the thing right over the side of the boat…..without clipping it to his line first. I was old enough to know I should keep my mouth shut


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