Skid house builder

  • Derf
    Posts: 4

    Hello all,
    I am looking to build a skid house for Mille Lacs.

    Does anybody know if Hunter’s Point still builds houses? I know years ago they did.

    I knew Discount Lumber in Isle did but their website brings you to another page. Are they still in business?

    I want an 8×16 shell with oak runners. I’ll finish the interior. This would be for next ice season.

    Thank you.

    Two Harbors, MN
    Posts: 3903

    Yes Isle Discount Lumber does quite a few skid houses. It would not suprise me that there is a seperate website for their shed and ice shack sales. Give them a call.

    Harris, MN
    Posts: 1358

    X2 on Isle Discount Lumber. Call them & let them know what you are looking for. Very nice, solid, Amish built houses. I have not personally bought one but have seen their work. Very nice! @pwaldowski can maybe pitch in.

    Posts: 756

    Isle Discount in Isle. I had them build me a Custom 10 x 20 shell last year. Very good to work with. They delivered the shell to Mac’s so I didn’t have to deal with that. I did the inside work. Call and talk to Al. He can get you a quote. Mine is finally finished. I’m really enjoying just sitting in it and not working on it. Also I met a guy, in the staging lot at Mac’s, that just had them build him a new house 12′ x 30′. Mine’s on the lake. His is still on shore. That’s why I stopped at 10 x 20. But I actually have more floor space as I have a full size loft.

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    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11009

    Sweet house Giz.

    That’s pretty much in the Taj Mahal category. bow

    Sartell, MN.
    Posts: 12529

    Isle Discount in Isle. I had them build me a Custom 10 x 20 shell last year. Very good to work with. They delivered the shell to Mac’s so I didn’t have to deal with that. I did the inside work. Call and talk to Al. He can get you a quote. Mine is finally finished. I’m really enjoying just sitting in it and not working on it. Also I met a guy, in the staging lot at Mac’s, that just had them build him a new house 12′ x 30′. Mine’s on the lake. His is still on shore. That’s why I stopped at 10 x 20. But I actually have more floor space as I have a full size loft.

    What is the total weight on a finished unit like that

    Rush City MN
    Posts: 842

    Gizmo nice looking joint. Well done

    Posts: 756

    What is the total weight on a finished unit like that

    Were not quite sure. I looked around to rent a four place car scale but couldn’t locate one. The resort owner, Kevin McQuoid, and I believe it’s just average for a 10 x 20 house. Not heavy or light. My construction methods were to keep the weight down but not compromise on my design and layout. I went steel to studs and then had it spray foamed. Except for the roof there is no sheathing under the steel. I spray painted the ceiling. The loft wall were done with a 5mm underlayment. The loft floor and downstairs walls are all 3/4 tongue and groove. A little more weight but it allows me to attach anywhere to the walls without a stud or predetermined backer plate. Last weekend we got it on the ice. The ice was 14″ under my house. It only flooded about 1/2 an inch under the house. That’s a very good sign.

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    Posts: 2113

    lol omg, that is cool!

    Posts: 5125

    Nice work Giz!

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 1487

    Giz I’m very jealous! Nice work on the inside! Definitely want to build one like that someday

    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11009

    Where did you get the SPF colored steel studs? wink

    edit – nevermnid I thought it said steel studs not steel to studs. My bad.

    Posts: 756

    What is the total weight on a finished unit like that

    Still don’t have numbers on the weight but It’s been on the ice for two weeks now. Same spot. Got it out on 14″ of ice. First weekend it flooded only about 1/2 an inch of water under the house. Second weekend there was a little more snow around the house but no big drift. By the end of the second weekend it had only flooded an additional inch. No visible puddle around the shack. Still have at least 3″ between the runners and the water. My buddy’s 10 x 20 flooded pretty good as did the big rental south of me. My buddy’s house is of the standard ML build. Plywood siding – shingled roof. So I’m very encouraged by these trends. Next year I hope to get it out earlier on 12″.

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