“Skeet Retreat”

  • arklite881south
    Posts: 5660

    OK Boys!! I’m in need of a little “Skeet Retreat”. How’s “SHO-TIME” coming along. Are you keeping her polished up!! Rumor has it we might have open water prior to the fishing opener although “Mother Nature” MIGHT need a little convincing. Can’t wait to see the finished product especially with some of the custom work we’ve did.

    Another shout out to the Rigging crew at the SBC!! Your work is quickly becoming the talk of the industry. There is little doubt you are up to your eyeballs in rigging right now. Then you get the guy who wants………. We all greatly appreciate your brilliant work!!

    I’m looking for a pic or two for my new website being developed right now when possible.

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    Waiting sure does suck! At least you got to see your boat, mine wont be in for a couple more weeks. Cant wait to see some pics of it all rigged up. I will be sure to have some pics of mine when it comes in.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Its in the process of getting some custom work done at this time

    We will be at the Northwest Sport Show next week but I will see what I can get done for ya!!!
    Its coming along nicely!!!

    Winnie/Grand Rapids,MN
    Posts: 902

    All this custom talk I cant wait to see what it is

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