My 2010 and soon to be rigged 2011!!
I will admit I am a bit partial to the Laser Red in the sunlight. The unvieling of my 2011 with a few little customized Tweeks from the SBC will get catch a few looks dockside at the resorts again this summer. I simply don’t blend well and don’t want a boat to either.
Truly isn’t color designing the most fun thing about buying a new boat?! Lets all continue to show pics of our pride and joy.
I trumped the fishing queens wish when she voted for PURPLE. Maybe someday she can have her own Purple boat in the MX series.
She has also assured me I will NO LONGER be on the 1 and done plan for new Skeeter boats. I assure her I would be on the 3 year plan from now on……..JUST TO GIVE ROOM FOR A COMPROMISE!!
A LOT can happen in the marketplace in 2 years.
On a side note regarding white. White is a much cooler color in the heat of the summer. A white interior and topside WILL be less hot on your hands and feet than a darker color scheme I assure you. Still no kidding aside “Sho Time” will be sizzling on Rainy Lake all year long baby!! Probably……..TO HOT TO TOUCH!! Don’t worry you won’t catch up anyway.