• francisco4
    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Anybody have an educated guess of when we will see the actual launch of this line of boats? Or when we will start seeing them at dealerships?

    Getting very anxious to get more info.



    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    The last I heard it was early May for the first couple boats with units for sale that will arrive a week or two later.

    I’m honestly trying not to think about it too much right now. I know the engineers have a lot of fine tuning to do yet before they’ll release specs on what will be considered the final product.

    I do know they ran it with a 200 HP motor a week or so back and it HAULED the mail, baby!

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    The last I heard it was early May for the first couple boats with units for sale that will arrive a week or two later.

    Thanks James. I was hoping for something to see and touch before Easter. Winter is getting long.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926



    The last I heard it was early May for the first couple boats with units for sale that will arrive a week or two later.

    Thanks James. I was hoping for something to see and touch before Easter. Winter is getting long.


    Not to give anyone any false hope but the time line I shared above could be improved upon if things go smoothly. To be on the safe side everyone’s talking early May. I’d love to hear that the release was being jumped up by 2 – 3 weeks, trust me.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    I see. Similar to under promise and over deliver? Do you have plans on running this plat form this year?


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ll be fishing out of an MX 1825 extensively this summer.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607

    Very cool. I can’t wait to actually find out what that model number actually means though.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    1825 = 18′ 4″
    18′ 4″ = 18.25′

    MX = Multi-Species

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    Will it have a 90+ inch beam or is that still top secrete? I would think with a 200hp motor they would need to be low to mid 90’s?

    Posts: 14

    I know on the last thread that James mentioned the price point would be less than a tin boat of comparable length with the MX1825 “tricked out”. Would you care to back off that somewhat aggresive statement. I have done plenty of research on 18′ tin boats with 150HP four strike Yamahas and they come in at under $30,000. Will this rig really be under $30,000?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Will it have a 90+ inch beam or is that still top secrete? I would think with a 200hp motor they would need to be low to mid 90’s?

    Or maybe even wider.

    Tom P.
    Whitehall Wi.
    Posts: 3544

    Don`t quote me …When talking to Dave that was the plan under $30,000. The rating for the 200 HP it would have to be 2 stroke because of weight issues. So he was not sure on the rating.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Would you care to back off that somewhat aggresive statement. I have done plenty of research on 18′ tin boats with 150HP four strike Yamahas and they come in at under $30,000. Will this rig really be under $30,000?

    Back off from that statement? Heck no. There’s been a price point target with this boat from day 1 and until someone tells me that’s changed… they’re right on target.

    Pricing hasn’t been finalized so things may change. A little. Even if it does change upward it will still be very close to the original goal set during the first rounds of design planning for this boat.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what boats are you using as a comparison?

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607



    Would you care to back off that somewhat aggresive statement. I have done plenty of research on 18′ tin boats with 150HP four strike Yamahas and they come in at under $30,000. Will this rig really be under $30,000?

    A remember a few years ago when a really tweeked out 1880 was in the high $30K’s. With kicker, Maxed hp, multiple big screen electronics, upgraded trailer, ect.

    I can’t imagine a boat this size with these options for under $30,000. It certainly has my interest peaked. Just got the see the layouts to see if it will fit my families needs.


    Back off from that statement? Heck no. There’s been a price point target with this boat from day 1 and until someone tells me that’s changed… they’re right on target.

    Pricing hasn’t been finalized so things may change. A little. Even if it does change upward it will still be very close to the original goal set during the first rounds of design planning for this boat.

    If you don’t mind me asking, what boats are you using as a comparison?

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Would you care to back off that somewhat aggresive statement. I have done plenty of research on 18′ tin boats with 150HP four strike Yamahas and they come in at under $30,000. Will this rig really be under $30,000?


    A remember a few years ago when a really tweeked out 1880 was in the high $30K’s. With kicker, Maxed hp, multiple big screen electronics, upgraded trailer, ect.

    I can’t imagine a boat this size with these options for under $30,000. It certainly has my interest peaked. Just got the see the layouts to see if it will fit my families needs.

    Guys, “tricked out” is in reference to the design of the interior and hull. If someone took that to mean there’s a kicker, upgraded trailer and two big graphs included for under $30k… come now. That’s $10k in options.

    Boat, primary motor, trailer, electric bow mount and batteries… under $30k. What you do with it from there is up to the buyer. And we all know skies the limit once you start hanging 10″ graphs.

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607



    Would you care to back off that somewhat aggresive statement. I have done plenty of research on 18′ tin boats with 150HP four strike Yamahas and they come in at under $30,000. Will this rig really be under $30,000?


    A remember a few years ago when a really tweeked out 1880 was in the high $30K’s. With kicker, Maxed hp, multiple big screen electronics, upgraded trailer, ect.

    I can’t imagine a boat this size with these options for under $30,000. It certainly has my interest peaked. Just got the see the layouts to see if it will fit my families needs.

    Guys, “tricked out” is in reference to the design of the interior and hull. If someone took that to mean there’s a kicker, upgraded trailer and two big graphs included for under $30k… come now. That’s $10k in options.

    Boat, primary motor, trailer, electric bow mount and batteries… under $30k. What you do with it from there is up to the buyer. And we all know skies the limit once you start hanging 10″ graphs.

    Thanks for the clarification James. I was using the 1880 comparison only because I still had that number in my head.

    As far as the price point, a guy has to be absolutely excited to even know that there is going to be a boat out there of Skeeter quality for under $30,000.


    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Thanks for the clarification James. I was using the 1880 comparison only because I still had that number in my head.

    As far as the price point, a guy has to be absolutely excited to even know that there is going to be a boat out there of Skeeter quality for under $30,000.


    Understood. I think we’ll all need to be mindful of sticking to “apple to apple” comparisons.

    And that would be a heck of a lot easier with more info to share…

    Posts: 14

    James, I was using an 18′ G3 with a 150HP Four stroke. I am not sure of the exact model.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, I was using an 18′ G3 with a 150HP Four stroke. I am not sure of the exact model.

    Hopefully you’ll get a chance to ride in both once the 1825 comes out so you can give us a comparison eval.

    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 75

    James, if you know, and if you can…

    What about the tiller version? (I’m a tiller guy!) I’m sure a different “cap” on the hull. Do we have any idea when?

    Posts: 5660

    Anything CLOSE in price out of that MX boat compared to tin is simply ridiculous James. Guys need to do themselves a favor and test BOTH units out as this is the only fool proof way to be assured you have the most boat for your $$. That is going to be a high demand boat without question for all the multi-species guys out there. I would think this is going to be a KILLER river boat also James??

    Posts: 4941



    Will it have a 90+ inch beam or is that still top secrete? I would think with a 200hp motor they would need to be low to mid 90’s?

    Or maybe even wider.

    This might be the boat that I have been waiting for, can’t wait to see it

    Been on the fence for the last two seasons

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    James, if you know, and if you can…

    What about the tiller version? (I’m a tiller guy!) I’m sure a different “cap” on the hull. Do we have any idea when?

    You’re correct, it will take a redesign of the cap used in the wheel boats to finish off a tiller. When will a tiller be available? I can honestly say I’ve not heard a projection on that. Yet.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    I would think this is going to be a KILLER river boat also James??

    We didn’t design it with one purpose or species in mind but you know me… river guy first and foremost. It will be a sweet river rig.

    Brian Hoffies
    Land of 10,000 taxes, potholes & the politically correct.
    Posts: 6843

    James my multi species Ranger sat low to the water, great for pulling in fish. While it was low it wasn’t as close as the Bass boats. Do you know if the MX will be close to the water? I’m hoping for something between the Bass and the Walleye rigs.

    NE Nebraska
    Posts: 757

    This thread has really intrigued me. Although I certainly did not think I was even remotely considering a new boat, I will anxiously follow this thread for more information. At the very least, I will delay upgrading my my main motor until this series is looked at. Thanks for the information thus far, James.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 76

    Hi everyone. Dave Markquart from Skeeter Boat Center.

    I’d like to thank everyone for their interest in the all new MX1825 due out later this spring. As has been mentioned in prior threads… Skeeter Products senior executives and Regional Skeeter Rep Steve Soukup of the Twin Cities along with Skeeter Boat Center, James Holst, other IDO anglers, and many prospective customers have been working to bring an all new multispecies Skeeter fishing boat to our market for about the past two years. This boat is designed to be the “Ultimate 18′ Fishing Boat.” Serious traction was established about 11 months ago when the project was approved for production.

    We are now within several months of seeing our shared vision become a reality with the introduction of new MX1825. I know there has been a desire for more information, and I assure you that James will be able to share additional information as it becomes available. Since there are still a lot of decisions to be made between now and the launch, it will still take some time before all information will be able to be revealed. I will do my best to answer some questions for which there can be a definative answer right now. The rest will have to wait until more decisions have been finalized and Skeeter is ready to release the information.

    First of all let’s address pricing.


    Don`t quote me …When talking to Dave that was the plan under $30,000. The rating for the 200 HP it would have to be 2 stroke because of weight issues. So he was not sure on the rating.

    Sorry Tom, I had to quote you because your statement above is correct…

    Target price ranges were established at the begining of the project (which is nearly a year ago). Back then the MX1825 was being designed to be powered by the Yamaha four stroke F115 and F150 with the F115 being the std motor and the price target being well under $30K (Not $25K, but well under $30K for base boat, motor – Yam F115, trailer). As the design has evolved, the MX1825 now looks to be more of a 4 stroke F150 and 2 stroke 200 HPDI design.

    After Skeeter’s trip back to Evert’s Resort in October to do some final competitive test drive comparisons, the decision was made to increase the beam from 94 inches to 97 inches thereby creating a wide open feel in the cockpit and increasing lateral stability on the water. I’m happy to report that both objectives were accomplished with this change. James and I were able to test drive the MX1825 hull with the new modifications about four weeks ago, and I must say we were blown away by the improvements!! Widening the beam the extra 3 inches also made a 2 stoke 200 HPDI rating a possibility. The Yamaha 4 stroke 200 will be too heavy for the MX1825, but is available for purchase on the WX1900. Engineers have submitted their detailed performance test specifications for the Yamaha 2 stroke Z200 HPDI, 4 Stroke F150 and Four Stroke F115. Skeeter has not finalized which motors will be offered.

    The 2011 pricing targets James has mentioned are still in scope. Please remember that there are several key factors that will determine final pricing including standard feature content and amount/timing of any retail incentives. The MX1825 will be introduced as an early 2012 model. Standard feature content and 2012 pricing has not been finalized. Once the final pricing has been established, James will be happy to share it with you. Expect final pricing to be established just before the first boats ship in May.

    Skeeter wants this to be a high volume boat, so you can be assured that the pricing is going to be very aggressive. More important than the exact price is the value that is going to be built into this boat in terms of fisherman friendly features… Those details also will be available at the actual launch of the MX1825 and will definately reinforce the Skeeter company motto, “Engineered Like No Other!”

    Speaking of launch timing, dealerships in the upper Midwest will receive the initial allocations of Skeeter MX1825’s. The boat will be launched nationally at the Skeeter National meeting in July. Assuming that everything goes well with preparation for production(about a 90% probability at this point), some boats should begin arriving in dealerships in May with production ramping up quickly thereafter.

    Once Skeeter Boat Center is able to submit boat orders and then receives production confirmation of those initial MX1825 orders, we will schedule a Ride and Drive. That way you’ll be able to experience this exciting new model on the water for yourself…

    The Skeeter MX1825 will launch initially in the dual console configuration, with the single console to follow 45-60 days later. The length will be 18’4″ and the beam 97″. There will be a very large live well in the rear of the boat. The hull was designed for tiller applications too. Exact tiller timelines have yet to be established.

    Many thanks to the engineering staff at Skeeter for their personal dedication to making the MX the best it can be!! We think the MX1825 is going to a fantastic addition to the Skeeter line-up and a boat you’ll really enjoy when you go fishing! We are hoping that much more information will be available by the NW Sports Show in Minneapolis at the end of March. All of us are looking forward to the introduction of the Skeeter MX1825 late spring of 2011!!

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 76


    Do you know if the MX will be close to the water? I’m hoping for something between the Bass and the Walleye rigs.

    Hi Brian. The design intent is what you are hoping for. James did a great job of describing in the prior MX thread. Much flatter to the water than the current WX Series, not as close as a bass boat…

    Holmen, WI
    Posts: 3607


    THANK YOU very much for sharing with us what details you could!


    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 76


    THANK YOU very much for sharing with us what details you could!

    You’re welcome Francisco! Sorry about the windy post…

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