I just saw a teaser on the SBC site that mentioned an MX series multi species rig. Any hints on what this line is going to be? I’m thinking maybe a Muskie boat, combo of the ZX/FX and WX series.

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IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Skeeter Boats » MX Series
I just saw a teaser on the SBC site that mentioned an MX series multi species rig. Any hints on what this line is going to be? I’m thinking maybe a Muskie boat, combo of the ZX/FX and WX series.
I’ve been down to Skeeter to work with the engineers on this boat 3 times this year and I just drove the test hull down in TX (warm is GOOD) last monday. This boat isn’t intended to be a species specific fishing boat. It is designed to be the best 18′ fishing boat you can find inside of a 98″ beam. The hull has been completely redesigned to track like it is on rails, both forwards and backwards, sit “level flat” while at rest and have a very wide open layout with a move away from overly large front casting decks to opening up the space where people need it… in the cockpits. And there will be a large rear deck for casting so the guy at the back of the boat can move around and fish just like the guy at the front of the boat.
And the pricing…? Very, very attractive. You’ll be able to get into a tricked out MX for less than a tin boat of comparable length.
More news will be coming on this boat as the production molds start kicking out boats. IT is going to be a very exciting spring.
I’m really interested in seeing some specs on this boat James.
Be sure to post them as well as a few pics when they become available!
I’m really interested in seeing some specs on this boat James.
Be sure to post them as well as a few pics when they become available!
I know some very experienced river guides that are running around in OLD tin because they can’t find anything in the newer boats that offered the same room, handling and features they’ve relied on for years that will be VERY excited to see this boat too.
I’ve got the entire project scope, 3D models, pics and drawings sitting right here… but I’m waiting on permission to start sharing. I know the engineers want a boat ready for retail before they’ll give guys the go ahead on releasing info. When will that happen? I don’t think we’ll see pics until March / April. With some luck they’ll green light us on sharing some of the drawings and project scope sooner than that so we don’t have to wait so dang long.
And the pricing…? Very, very attractive. You’ll be able to get into a tricked out MX for less than a tin boat of comparable length.
Now this is intriguing!!
Are they offering this as a wheel boat only or they making a tiller too?
Are they offering this as a wheel boat only or they making a tiller too?
I’m not sure I’m cleared to talk models but I will say this… we put an incredible amount of emphasis during the design process on the way this boat tracks both forwards… and backwards.
I’m very excited to take a drive in this boat. The dimensions on this new boat look to be about as perfect as they can be. A little birdy showed me the drawings of the boat in September and I hope they dont change before production. We all know how the auto makers change everything from concept to production.
A little birdy showed me the drawings of the boat in September and I hope they dont change before production. We all know how the auto makers change everything from concept to production.
The Skeeter moto is “Engineered Like No Other.”
The specs changed. But all for the better. Trust me… the original concept drawings were good. The final product turned out phenomenal in my opinion.
The engineers kept asking the anglers tasked with providing input “how do we make it better” versus trying to change the design to what they thought it should be. Skeeter gets a big tip o’ the hat on this one.
The Skeeter rep Steve told us a few times at the MTT events that they are planning on having a tiller and console model. A 115 Yamaha on an 18′ tiller would be pretty sweet.
Am I wrong to believe this project has been in the works for over a year now ? It’s good to see wheels starting to turn on this project, I know there is a few of us out here that have been anticipating the day
Am I wrong to believe this project has been in the works for over a year now ? It’s good to see wheels starting to turn on this project, I know there is a few of us out here that have been anticipating the day
No you aren’t wrong this time! It will be exciting to see this become a reality!
Hopefully they will release something in time for the Northwest Sportshow.
Yes, the cat has been let out of the bag so to speak. This project actually started about 2 years ago, and is finally becoming a reality!!!!
There is some many features put into this boat from a wide range of people, that it will cover a LOT of different applications.
Like mentioned it will be the “ultimate” 18′ fishing boat.
I cant wait to see the finished product and be able to share more details and pics with everybody. It has been much anticipated by many people including myself so I will be sure to post more when it becomes available!!! Stay tunned shortly
James is right I’ve had the drawings in my hand for a year, they get lots of input and then tweak from there. This is going to be a great addition to the Skeeter line-up at a great price!!!
This boat isn’t intended to be a species specific fishing boat. It is designed to be the best 18′ fishing boat you can find inside of a 98″ beam. The hull has been completely redesigned to track like it is on rails, both forwards and backwards, sit “level flat” while at rest and have a very wide open layout with a move away from overly large front casting decks to opening up the space where people need it… in the cockpits. And there will be a large rear deck for casting so the guy at the back of the boat can move around and fish just like the guy at the front of the boat.
That’s how I would describe my (Now Discontued) Ranger 618VS. Once you own a boat that actually tracks like it is on a railroad track you really come to appriciate it!! The 618 leans a little more towards a bass boat style than walleye. Interesting – Warrior came out with a boat you could describe the same way. (Think it was called the Maveric) But they only made that boat one year. That warrior would lean more towards a walleye boat than bass.
Funny how the consumers cry out for a multi-species style, but when the boat hits the market – they don’t sell well.
Definately sounds like a boat that would fit my style of fishing!! Can’t wait to see it.
Definately sounds like a boat that would fit my style of fishing!! Can’t wait to see it.
In my opinion you would be an excellent sounding board to show this boat to to get your feedback on it. I know how particular you are and how you fish. If you’re impressed… the design was a success.
Not real particular, but my boat must:
Fit in the garage. An 18 footer is about max.
Must be fiberglass. Once you go glass, you never look back as they say.
Must be tough as nails. I’ll sacrifice some performance for long term durability.
A multi species boat can be sold and sold well. It just needs to be “sold”. Sales people need to listen to the buyer, ask the right questions and then sell what the BUYER WANTS not what the dealership wants to PUSH. To often the salesman hears “walleye” sees the big dollar signs and goes from there. He misses the part where the guy says he fishes “walleyes” once or twice a year, takes his grandson fishing for sunnies 3-4 times a year and borrows his boat to his son to go Bass and Muskie fishing 2-3 times a year.
I had a Ranger 681vs which was the predecessor to what Jon had. Absolutely a multi species dream! A good multi species in this part of the world will be a giant seller if properly sold.
A good multi species in this part of the world will be a giant seller if properly sold.
Couldn’t agree more.
sounds like a boat to compete with the Ranger angler??? Any idea if they will make one bigger than 18′?
At this point it is only going to be just the one model. I wouldnt throw out the idea of more models coming after it, but it is not in the works at this current time.
That will be a wait and see for all of us!!!
Any chance that the drawings might be available for viewing at the open house on Feb. 5?
Any chance that the drawings might be available for viewing at the open house on Feb. 5?
Very, very unlikely. This type of “teaser” was discussed last week down in TX and, unless something has changed in the last week, the decision was made to hold off on significant releases of info until all design issues were finalized.
If something changes… we’ll happily let EVERYONE here know. I feel like that kid in the Disney commercial… “I’m too excited to sleep!”
As usual, I don’t know much. That being said, I know for a fact that Dave M. and others have been working VERY hard to get a boat that fits fisherman. At the Rainy trip, both Dave and one of the heads of Skeeter went around asking people what they liked about their boats and what they did not, well as why they liked their rigs for the way they fished. I know they took everyone’s ideas to heart and genuinely were trying to put together a boat that would not just “fit”, but actually “work”. As with most things, fine tuning will be done, as some things you only learn as you go along.
From what I have been told, this might be the most exciting boat to roll into the show room in quite awhile.
As usual, I don’t know much. That being said, I know for a fact that Dave M. and others have been working VERY hard to get a boat that fits fisherman. At the Rainy trip, both Dave and one of the heads of Skeeter went around asking people what they liked about their boats and what they did not, well as why they liked their rigs for the way they fished. I know they took everyone’s ideas to heart and genuinely were trying to put together a boat that would not just “fit”, but actually “work”. As with most things, fine tuning will be done, as some things you only learn as you go along.
From what I have been told, this might be the most exciting boat to roll into the show room in quite awhile.![]()
That was Jeff Stone. Skeeter Corp “top dog.” He came to the RLH event to rub elbows with anglers to get a better idea of what the consumer wanted. Not enough companies do this!
It was great to see a company take interest in what the consumer wants in a boat. I’m sure there is not many higher up management type people that go to a fishing event and ask average anglers what the want in a boat. I had the pleasure of talking to Jeff for quite a while and he seemed very intrested in everything all of us had to say. This is one of the many reasons my next boat will be a Skeeter.
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