Joined the Skeeter club

  • gbsoren
    MN, USA
    Posts: 27

    Here she is, 2010 2000T, 115 Yamaha with Merten Power Steering, 80# Vantage, Lowrance HDS 10 Elite. Now I can’t wait to get her on the water! Going to be a looooonnnggg winter I’m afraid!

    I’ve read every thread I can find about this boat/motor combo, seems like high 30’s should be where the top speed will be. What’s more important to me is the holeshot. My question is, what has proven to be the best prop? It has the standard 17p black SS on it now.

    I also posted on another site asking about the Skeeter livewells. Are they as good as Warrior livewells? I sold my Warrior 177bt before buying this, I was always impressed with the livewells on the Warrior, insulated and had good water/oxygen flow. They really kept fish and bait much better than my Dad’s Crestliner.

    Any opinions would be welcome!

    Posts: 60

    Congrats what a great looking rig

    Pat Howard
    Sparta Wi
    Posts: 1522

    Gret ride and Welcome to iDo

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    She sure is purty!
    There a couple guys on Ido that know that set-up pretty well,I am sure they will chime in. Some of the past Skeeters have had overflow issues,but I have not personally experienced that in using 3 different models.I can say,I have been fortunate enough to weigh in some mid 30 to low 40 # bag weights in tourneys and no dead fish penalties.So that is probably a pretty good test of a live-well system.

    jerry b
    western WI
    Posts: 1506

    Hi-welcome aboard. Probably the first thing you’ll need to do is decide what you want a prop to do. There are soooo many functions you can enhance and change. Do you want to go fast, troll, enhance the hole shot, change the planing speeds, etc.? I’d recommend running your prop for a season and then make changes. A good prop guy and a dealer with a good selection that you can test are both invaluable. jerr

    oh ya, nice ride

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    Congrats and welcome to IDO! Nice boat and man am I jealous of your garage….


    MN, USA
    Posts: 27

    Thanks for the comments so far. I’m really looking forward to getting to “know” this rig. I had my Warrior for about 8 yrs. and I loved the boat control I had with it. Hopefully I can eventually have the same luck with the Skeeter, it was just time for something a little bigger.

    The garage is actually a warehouse/shed, it’s now stored in a heated shop for the winter , that way I can play with it when I want!

    John Peterson
    Woodbury, Minnesota
    Posts: 349

    Great loookin’ rig!

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Congrats on joining the club!!!!

    Although I dont have a ton of first hand experience with the tiller models, I have been in a few and will say you should be very happy with them.
    Im not of much help as for props but I know of a couple guys on here that are running them, and im sure they will help ya out when they see this. I will do a little digging and talking and see what I can come up with for options.
    Are you looking to get the best; holeshot, top end, on plane, or what?? That will help narrow down your prop choices.

    Nice looking ride, and congrats!!!

    MN, USA
    Posts: 27

    Mostly concerned with the holeshot and on plane speed. The lake I fish 90% of the time isn’t all that big so top speed isn’t terribly important. My Warrior would top out at about 32-33 with a full load of family + gear + dog. Would be happy with the high 30’s with this as long as I pop up on plane fairly quickly. Thanks for any help!

    Hastings ,MN
    Posts: 2440

    Welcome aboard!!! Beautiful boat

    Milford IA
    Posts: 2178

    Nice rig my buddy has one to and it’s an awsome muskie rig, I think he runs the 115 to I can ask what he runs. He did get the 09 version though for the 150 option in the future.

    WestBend Wisconsin
    Posts: 64

    Great Looking boat I have the same color scheme on my 1950

    Posts: 4941

    Very Nice!!

    Posts: 556

    Welcome aboard!! I joined the club this summer with an 1850. Sorry, no help wit the prop question. The issue has been discussed (Ben Garver, I believe) in prior threads with a similar rig. Good luck and enjoy.

    Sartell Eye Guy
    Sartell, MN
    Posts: 624

    GB, I PM’ed you my cell #. Please call with any qustions. I have a few hours in my 2000T.


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