Hi Everyone,
I will try to better explain the difference between the WX1900 and the WX1850.
The front deck is actually closer to the water on a WX1900 – see the first picture below – the silver and red boat is a WX1900 and both trailers are at the same height – notice the downward curve on the bow versus the blue WX1850 behind it. The upward sweep of the WX1850 bow gives more deck height, thus deeper bow storage than the WX1900.
Next, look at the 2 transom pictures – the blue transom (the second picture) is a WX1900 – that transom goes 100% straight down to the bottom of the hull – this gives you the structural integrity to achieve the maximum horsepower rating of 200 (in either the 2 stroke HPDI or the 4 stroke F200). The 3rd picture (the silver transom) is a WX1850 – notice the step in the transom – the step is the biggest reason for the 150 hp rating – that being said, if you had a WX1900 and a WX1850 that were both powered by a F150 four stroke, the WX1850 would be 1 to 2 mph faster than the WX1900.
The WX1900 has modular consoles with digital controls – please see the 4th picture below – this is a WX1900 modular console assembly. The WX1850 has consoles that are molded to the bow cap.
Other WX1900 highlights:
Tandem axle trailer – standard. (WX1850 has a single axle trailer standard – tandem optional)
3 bank battery charger – standard (WX1850 charger optional)
1 fuel tank – 40 gallon (WX1850 has 2 fuel tanks)
Snap in carpeting (WX1850 has glued in carpeting)
Please let me know if you have any more questions!
Gregg 715-833-2668 (The Skeeter Boat Center)