Skeeter 2000T speeds

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Just thought I’d post an update on a little change made to my Skeeter tiller Yamaha 150 package. I was seeing speeds of 48 mph by myself and 47 with 2 guys in the boat. After reading several good reports of speed increases, and better overall performance after adding a hydrofoil I decided to give one a shot. I bought the SE300 and also bought the Sport Clip to avoid drilling holes in the cavatation plate. After a quick install on Wed. evening I headed out to a lake to see what differences it made. I’m happy to report that my time to plane is much faster, as exspected, and slower cruising speeds can be achieved without coming off plane. The best part for me was the increase in speed. My test run was on a very small area lake but I was still able to get 49.9 mph. Now that’s scary fast for a tiller. I think I can get another 1 mph out of it if I remove the sport clip and mount the SE300 directly to the motor. It seems to me that the sport clip would cause a little drag because of it’s size. I’d like to see how it performs this weekend on a little bigger water and with a couple other guys in the boat. If I’m still happy with it’s performance then it will be getting mounted without the sport clip.

    I’ll report back after the weekend.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    or just put a 300 sho on it!

    Ramsey, MN
    Posts: 4084

    Thanks for the update Ben. I’ll be keeping an eye on your progress.

    Ralph Wiggum
    Maple Grove, MN
    Posts: 11764


    or just put a 300 sho on it!

    Does that come in a tiller?

    N C Illinois
    Posts: 760


    or just put a 300 sho on it!

    That’s what I’m talkin about !!!!!

    Posts: 556

    Hey Ben,

    How easy / difficult was putting the Sport Clip / SE 3000 on? IE – how long was “quick”??. I really don’t want to drill holes either, but would love a bit faster on plane time w/ my 1850 / F150. It does well with me alone, but put another person or two, and fill the livewell & baitwell (in back of boat), and it’s a different story. It gets going, but takes a while.

    A couple boats ago, I had a foil put on and really noticed a difference. Like you, I noticed signicantly shorter on-plane times, could stay on plane at lower speeds, and increased top-end, even though that flies in the face of common sense and most others reports. Thanks for the info, and looking forward to your update.

    Posts: 3249

    I installed a 300 with a sport clip and developed a bad

    vibration so I removed it.

    They sent me a 200 to try but I haven’t installed it yet.

    This is on an Alumacraft Nav. 175 CS with an F150.

    I did like the fact that it would stay on plane at slower


    Keep us posted Ben.

    Posts: 556

    tap,tap,tap,tap………patiently waiting Ben……….j/k’n

    Any updates Ben??

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148


    Hey Ben,

    How easy / difficult was putting the Sport Clip / SE 3000 on? IE – how long was “quick”??. I really don’t want to drill holes either, but would love a bit faster on plane time w/ my 1850 / F150. It does well with me alone, but put another person or two, and fill the livewell & baitwell (in back of boat), and it’s a different story. It gets going, but takes a while.

    A couple boats ago, I had a foil put on and really noticed a difference. Like you, I noticed signicantly shorter on-plane times, could stay on plane at lower speeds, and increased top-end, even though that flies in the face of common sense and most others reports. Thanks for the info, and looking forward to your update.

    Sorry for the wait guys.

    I spent close to a full hour installing this with the sport clip by myself. I think I could do one now in less than 10 minutes. The directions for installation aren’t the greatest and you have to look at their pictures closely.

    With a little more time on the water with this setup in place, I will say that it didn’t help fix everything I hoped it would. I was on the water Saturday with a total of 4 guys in the boat. The speed was definately better than it would have been without the SE300 but I was hoping it would stop some of the porpoising I expierence when I have passengers. I still can’t trim up as much as I would like. I’m wondering if losing the sport clip and going to the direct mounting will help that?? Or would moving my motor up or down a hole help that out??

    I’m going to give this 1 more weekend of testing before I decide to drill holes in my motor. I’ll keep everyone posted with further updates.

    Posts: 556

    Thanks Ben…

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