I really like this boat and I think it would be a great fit for me but I’ve never owned a tiller and am looking for some opinions. I currently fish out of a 16’10” aluminum boat with a windshield and it’s great for staying dry but the ride is terrible and 2-3′ waves really start to limit my travel. I know I won’t be able to avoid all side spray in a tiller but in general is this a fairly dry boat? Also, how rough is the ride? I’m assuming it will be faily better than the pop can I’m used to. I’m really trying to get a feel for whether or not I’m going to regret going to a tiller after having a windshield. A lot of guys have them so I’m assuming it isn’t too misserable in sketchy weather. And just for reference I spend most my time on mille lacs and leech.
Thank you,