Your comment about raising the motor height got me thinking about my boat/motor.
What is the proper height for a motor? I guess a more pertinent question is, how far below the bottom of the boat should the prop be located? I’m just wondering if I could adjust my motor height to gain some top end speed.
It all depends on the boat and motor, and the overall performance, Blowout, hole shot, handling and or purposing. Generally speaking as high as you can go before you lose performance is one way or another. (if you are going higher with a jackplate, you should have a water pressure gauge too, more of a Bass boat thing.)
My comment was more along the line of if your boat has the same prop and everything maybe you are overlooking motor height, easy enough to do, though one would how it was setup as optimal as possible when rigged, one never knows. It’s an easy enough thing to check and compare between boats. On a walleye rig, you’ll probably notice it a lot less, as there isn’t near as much hull lift, compared to a bass style hull, where you can feel the boat lift up and sit on the pad as you scoot across the top of the water, at the point you have a little drag from the hull, and lower unit of your motor, is probably the most considerable part of drag, so motor height plays a big role with going fast.
Wealth of info on motor height and setup for bass boats on Bass Boat central,in other words if you have a bass boat, you’d be far better served checking out bass boat central, they can help you. Walleye boat setup is certainly more limited from my experience surfing the web, no doubt IDO is one of the best places to get advice if not thee best atleast as far as Skeeter goes at the moment.