Walleye Guy in a Bass Boat?????

  • camodm
    Posts: 167

    I’m not sure what a Walleye guy like Jason was doing behind the wheel of a bass boat??? Then to top it off, I believe the fish is a pan fish. One more thing Jason, Humminbird SI does not work at 70plus.

    I did have a good time this morning spend time with Jason Halfen. I was trying to learn a few SI tricks for myself.

    Hope everyone had a great weekend.

    Lake Mills, WI
    Posts: 831

    Driving it like a walleye guy too. Trim Up! Nice brim.

    Jami Ritter
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 3066

    Ah Dan, do I have to buy a skeeter to get to drive your boat???

    Halfen, tell me you opened that beast up


    Posts: 4179


    Halfen, tell me you opened that beast up

    I thought I did have it opened up until Dan yelled at me, “what are you waiting for??”

    I’ve never driven a boat at 70 mph before. It was, ummm…..what’s the word I’m looking for…..exhilarating!

    Disclaimer: we were on a glass calm, empty lake, before 7:00 am on a Sunday. We didn’t endanger ourselves or anyone else on the lake….only the remaining hair follicles on my scalp.

    Posts: 4179

    Other fun quotes from the day:

    Jason: “I haven’t sat this close to the water since the last time I paddled a canoe.”

    Dan: “We’re out here to catch crappies….put the nightcrawlers away.”

    Dan: “Don’t get that worm slime all over my boat now.”

    Dan, after about the 12th walleye: “Ok, gimme one of them nightcrawlers.”

    Posts: 1530

    Anybody notice how much more handsome Jason looks in a bass boat


    Posts: 167

    Jamie. You have a standing invite to drive my ZX225 any day you would like to. We do have a test drive this Friday and Sat. at the Ron & Gun on Wissota. I have heard the ZX225 will be there.

    Jason. Once a walleye guy, always a walleye guy. Thanks for sharing your crawlers. It’s always a good day in the boat with Jason

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