Took out the skeeter for the first time today. What a awesome boat. I can’t wait to take it out again once it gets back from dealer ship. We were smelling gas fumes and the gas gauge was not working at all. So I had to drop it off at dealership on way home. I am hoping this will not take long to fix so I can out next weekend.
IDO » Forums » Fishing Forums » Toys for Big Boys » Skeeter Boats » Wx 1850 first time on water
Wx 1850 first time on water
April 5, 2014 at 7:44 pm #1402038
Hate to rain on your parade but you paid how many thousands of dollars and they couldn’t test all gauges? Either at the factory or just as importantly the dealership…
April 5, 2014 at 7:52 pm #1402042I blame the manufacturer for this since it was all done there. This is how my life is buy something new and there is something wrong.
April 5, 2014 at 8:19 pm #1402050I hear ya, that seems to be my luck also. It just really bugs me when things like this happen after exchanging so much money. Good luck fishing out of the new boat. Sweet ride.
Zach H
Posts: 374April 5, 2014 at 10:00 pm #1402066Quote:
I hear ya, that seems to be my luck also. It just really bugs me when things like this happen after exchanging so much money. Good luck fishing out of the new boat. Sweet ride.
More than likely it is something small. Anything that is put together by a human being is going to be guaranteed some mistakes. Even the best of the best cars that costs thousands of dollars still have minor things wrong with it. Anything coming off the factory line might include small imperfections, but if you let Skeeter know of any problems they are right there to take care of it. Glad you like your boat! Welcome to the Skeeter family and I know you will continue to enjoy it for many years to come. Just be patient with the small repairs and you will be just fine!
April 5, 2014 at 11:29 pm #1402071Always takes time to iorn out the kinks in a new boat. then after you get the kinks out you have to start fixing broken stuff. its a never ending cycle! hope the dealership takes care of you
April 6, 2014 at 5:19 am #1402075I think it just something loose or like that so does the dealer. I hope to find out Monday after noon what the problem is and it gets fixed by then end of the week or earlier.
Posts: 318April 6, 2014 at 1:20 pm #1402143Quote:
I think it just something loose or like that so does the dealer. I hope to find out Monday after noon what the problem is and it gets fixed by then end of the week or earlier.
Doug will get it figured out.
Posts: 823Sean Reames
Posts: 61April 7, 2014 at 8:11 am #1402310The 1850’s have a fuel selector switch on the dash for the gauge that needs to have a tank selected before the gauge will read.
April 7, 2014 at 8:33 am #1402322I turned the knob to the other tank. I dont think it moved either.
Posts: 30April 7, 2014 at 6:00 pm #1402496On mine, the gas gauge worked for one tank, but not the other. I think it was a bad sending unit, don’t remember for sure though.
April 7, 2014 at 7:17 pm #1402512Mine is a 2013 and I was told that there used to be two tanks and they switched to one tank. We’re they wrong?
Posts: 30April 8, 2014 at 5:42 am #1402555Mine is a 2011 and has the dual tanks. Not sure about the newer ones.
Posts: 30NOFEAR
Posts: 14April 12, 2014 at 4:01 pm #1403762Figured out the fuel smell problem today. Could smell the fuel again after I put gas in it. So on the way to the river stop at the shop and had the mech smell the problem. He could smell it also especially by the vent on the floor. So we took the cover off over the fuel tank. Took a minute to figure it out. When the fuel tank cover was being screwed in the screw went into the fuel fill line. So he fixed it until a new fuel fill line can be ordered in.
Thanks skeeter employee for your mess up.
April 12, 2014 at 4:06 pm #1403763It sounds like a bumpy ride so far, hopefully it all gets working correctly.
April 12, 2014 at 4:20 pm #1401493It has been. I am thankful the shop has been awesome on helping me out and going out of there way to get this taken care of. Now I just need to play with the hummingbird unit to fine tune it.
April 22, 2014 at 12:29 pm #1405501I had the boat out for the 3rd time last week. I could spend days in this boat such a nice ride quiet motor. I do wish the rod locker was longer so i could fit my 6’6″ rods in there without bending them a little.
I did opend it up for a little bit and I am only going 40mph per the GPS on the HB. I was hoping it would go faster than that. It was 2 guys and half tank of fuel on a calm day. What is everyone else top speed on these boats? I wont go that fast all the time but sometimes i have the need to go fast.
My son made a comment that i love my boat more than the family took me a minute to answer. He is just mad because he hasnt gotten a ride in it yet since he has to work on weekends and the weather has not been nice when he can go out.
April 25, 2014 at 7:10 am #1406163Quote:
My son made a comment that i love my boat more than the family took me a minute to answer. He is just mad because he hasnt gotten a ride in it yet since he has to work on weekends and the weather has not been nice when he can go out.
When the weather is not nice out is when you will really appreciate the ride!
April 27, 2014 at 11:15 am #1406533After reading the specs on the Yamaha 150 on the skeeter wx 1850 i think I might have a problem. The spec sheet says 5900 rpms the speed should be 48 mph I get only 40 mph this is for a short distance. I am hoping its a linkage problem and not a serious motor issues or my gps is wrong.
Posts: 318April 27, 2014 at 11:39 am #1406537Quote:
After reading the specs on the Yamaha 150 on the skeeter wx 1850 i think I might have a problem. The spec sheet says 5900 rpms the speed should be 48 mph I get only 40 mph this is for a short distance. I am hoping its a linkage problem and not a serious motor issues or my gps is wrong.
Are you running premium non ethanol fuel? Do you have a kicker dragging? Are you getting it trimmed properly? Is the motor broke in?
These are few things that could be hampering the performance. Also What exact prop are you running?
April 27, 2014 at 12:18 pm #1406543I am using non ethanol 87 octane. No kicker. Motor is close to being broken in. As for trim it’s all the way down when running. I have tried to trim it up a little but didn’t see a change. The prop is factory prop.
April 27, 2014 at 12:22 pm #1406544Thanks for everyone’s help. This is all new to me. My other boats were all used and never had trim and tilt.
April 27, 2014 at 12:36 pm #1406547You should have it trimmed up a bit you will hear the water splash on the hull change. What rmp are you running wide open.
April 27, 2014 at 12:40 pm #1406548I believe it was all most 6000 rpms I could be off by a little. I can feel resistance in the throttle to a point where it fells like it falls. Not sure if this is a good explanation of what I am feeling in the throttle control.
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