I just got a new wx 1850. so far my main live well recirc will not work, does not even make a noise. switch lights up and fuze is good, beyond that wire tracing is impossible. my transduce keeps kicking up as soon as I get on plane, raised it up to the max left on it, is it too low? my terrova w/ipilot does not listen when I push the buttons sometimes and sometimes it does a 90 when I tap it once for a slight turn also my low speeds don’t match on remote and my hummingbird 1198. remote will say 1.1 and the 1198 will say .6 ? at over 2 mph they read identicle. and I have a ram mount that is moving on me and tricks to lock that in? thanks any help is appreciated
August 24, 2013 at 4:39 am