2014 MX1825

  • lweaver60
    Posts: 8

    Anyone know what changes if any will be made to the MX1825 from 2013 to 2014? And what the approximate availability date of the 2014 model will be?

    I’ve pretty much settled on the 1825 as my next boat. Anyone have input on the optional features they selected? Any you wish you had that you didn’t get? Thanks!

    Posts: 80

    Definitely go with the new F200 and digital gauges if you plan to troll from it. At least that is what i prefer to use versus a kicker.

    Posts: 8

    That’s what I was thinking as I don’t troll often so would avoid the extra kicker weight. Why do you prefer the gauges over a kicker?

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Just received our first truck load of 2014 models this week. So available now! No significant changes made.

    Most common options are

    keel gaurd



    kicker motor

    The cost of the 200 & digital command gauges do exceed the cost of a kicker. But great to have options!

    Posts: 8

    I’ll definitely get the F200 regardless. I’m assuming the digital gauges would then be a better and/or cheaper option than the kicker?

    Posts: 80

    The F200 is capable of using the VST feature that makes the digital controls worth while.

    They might be a bit more expensive than a stand alone kicker, but you can always add a kicker later if you dont’t like trolling from the big motor. Adding it after the fact is much more expensive.

    Personally i prefer not to have to hang another motor off my transom and all that goes with it.

    Posts: 8

    What’s the max rod length for the the center rod locker in the mx1825? I’ve seen conflicting information.

    Posts: 80

    In my 2012 mx1825 I tried to get 7’3 in it, gave up cause I didn’t want broken tips and put my trolling rods that broke down in there

    Posts: 9

    I get some 7-6 rods in there without problem. I would suggest the rods being in rod sleeves though. You will love fishing from this boat!

    Posts: 72

    When I purchased my skeeter with the f150 I did not buy a kicker. I do a lot of trolling and after a while I lost top end. I took it to my dealer and they said that I had carboned up the back side of the motor. They said run a bottle of ring free. It help a little but I still don’t get the top speed I used to. I also am looking at this package. Are there any changes on the f200 to prevent this? Or do I need the kicker.

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 250

    If you plan on doing any amount of trolling I would get the kicker. The extra weight doesn’t really matter with this boat. I have a kicker on mine and I’mm running a 200HPDI. With two big guys in the boat and a full tank of gas I’m still seeing 55mph. It will also say you putting hours on the main engine.

    Posts: 80


    When I purchased my skeeter with the f150 I did not buy a kicker. I do a lot of trolling and after a while I lost top end. I took it to my dealer and they said that I had carboned up the back side of the motor. They said run a bottle of ring free. It help a little but I still don’t get the top speed I used to. I also am looking at this package. Are there any changes on the f200 to prevent this? Or do I need the kicker.

    I do not troll on the f150 a lot but I noticed after 30 hours (total) or so that I lost some top end as well. I chalked it up to the weather, additional weight in the boat etc. When I trolled on the 2 cycle I would change my plugs twice a season and keep a spare set in the boat. Also run seafoam through a tank every year. Keeping carbon out of an outboard mostly relies on running at WOT some as well to help blow out the carbon. If you spend a day trolling, you should spend time at WOT. Otherwise you might be better served with a kicker or just using your trolling motor.

    If you add a little ring free or the like to your fuel that will help with carbon build up as well.

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