F150 vs F200, all the questions in one post

  • JoeMX1825
    Posts: 19471

    So i’m narrowing down all the decisions that go into buying a new MX1825 and i’m now down to selecting a motor. I’ve seen a couple of F200 answers on this and other websites, but it would be nice to consolidate all the known data in one post, to get a better idea of Total Cost of Ownership. I’m sure others are looking for this info as well.


    #1 – What’s the price difference between a F150 & F200?
    #2 – For a 30 gallon tank, what’s the fuel savings between a F150 & F200? If both motors are ran the same way.
    #3 – What’s the top speed difference? I’ve heard 4-5 mph
    #4 – How much does the 30amp vs 50amp Alternator make a difference?
    #5 – Guestimate of what maximizing the boats HP # returns to you in resale value? Example – The F200 would probably get you another $1k on resale…this factors into question 1
    #6 – If I typically only fish 1-2 people in the boat at a time, does it even make sense to upgrade to a F200?

    If anybody has any other questions, feel free to add them to this post. Hopefully the SBC guys and F200 owners can chime in answers.

    Posts: 244

    No one EVER, has complained about having to much horsepower!!!!!

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    My $.02
    Max out every last HP the boat manufactuer will let you.
    As someone else said, never heard anyone complaining about 2 much.
    The Yamaha F series 4 strokes are excelent on fuel!!!
    Just my input, you asked

    Zach H
    Posts: 374


    My $.02

    Max out every last HP the boat manufactuer will let you.

    As someone else said, never heard anyone complaining about 2 much.

    The Yamaha F series 4 strokes are excelent on fuel!!!

    Just my input, you asked


    Always max out the horsepower I’m my eyes. I have heard many times from people that always say…I wish I would have gotten the bigger motor when I bought my boat. You can always take it easy on the throttle to save gas if you want. Bigger motor should be easier to sell when it comes time.

    Brooklyn Park, MN
    Posts: 277

    I can’t comment on price differences or performance differences between the 150 and 200.

    Just wanted to comment because I have the MX1825 w/F150.
    I think it’s a great motor and the performance has been perfect. I’ve hit 50 mph with 2 people and “normal” fishing gear load. However, I rarely feel the need to run it wide open, so moving to a 200 didn’t even factor into my decision. I don’t need a couple extra MPH.
    Granted, when I bought it was not an F200 as the option…and I wanted the 4 stroke.
    I’d be curious to know the price difference, but doesn’t seem worth it to me.
    Just my opinion. And I am not looking at resale, plan to own for a long time

    Absolutely LOVE the boat!

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    I have 2012 MX1825 with the F150 on it. I wanted the 4 stroke Yammie as I had the F150 on my last Lund. Top end speed with 2 guys (I’m 250lbs. & partner is 195) and full fuel tank,full gear package, full rear livewell,a t9.9 is 47.2 mph. Me alone and a few less pounds of misc. weght and I can get 49.2. Fuel economy is excellent. I would love the 200 but it will have to wait a year or 2. I do love the boat. It is a big step up over my 2004 ProV. Maybe a 2025 will be next.

    Posts: 19471

    I beleive the F200 is $2,850 more than the F150…

    St. Peter, MN
    Posts: 1283

    Something you may want to consider. Instead of what are the top end speeds? may ask which motor performs better at 3/4 throttle (where fuel economy really comes into play). I know someone that switched from the F150 on the 1825 to a HPDI 200 because the speed, performance, and gas miliage were as good if not better at 3/4 throttle. For me the top end speed is not something I really care about because if you are running at open throttle you are not going to get good fuel economy with any set up. IMO

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    All good valid points mentioned. Perhaps some additional info to be considered. The 1825mx was designed from the start to be matched specifically with the Yamaha F150 for performance based package. Othermotor brands were not factored, but the ability to upsize was also factored in for 200HP “more is better” crowd ! That would be me! lol

    But with that said, if fishing under heavy load day in day out Ie; 3-4 people, full gas, full livewell,kicker motor, down riggers, etc etc, no doubt the 200hp is a better option. Otherwise, the 150 has been a awesome set up for many customers thus far. I dont believe there is a “blanket” answer to these questions as there are way too many variables as to how people use their boats.But it is great to have options !

    LaCrosse, WI
    Posts: 1960

    It also varies from boat to boat. For example, an alumacraft Navigator 175 with a 115 opti only gets about 41-42mph, but that same set up with a 150 opti gets much closer to 50mph. 7-8 mph is a big difference.

    If the $2800-$3000 range is the cost of the upgrade to the F200, that’s actually a pretty good value for 50hp. While I don’t think you’ll get a ton of speed gain, or save thousands in fuel, I think you’ll recoup probably half the initial cost in resale.

    That being said, for less than 10% of the total cost, I would do it every time.

    Somerset, WI
    Posts: 370

    I just got some numbers from dean a few months ago and I think it’s $2300 difference.

    Posts: 75

    I am running the 1825 with the F200. For me it was heavy loads with decent hole shot. My opinion if you are going to have a kicker on back and or other heavy loads the f200 may have an advantage. If you are going to have normal to light loads the F150 would cover most needs.
    I do not have exact fuel usage but just spent a week fishing and am very happy with fuel used.
    The prop set up for this motor is different due to a different gear ratio. Second concideration is the 89 octane gas recomendation for the F200. If you want any other input send me a message.

    Rodney Bondele

    Posts: 19471

    Rodney – Did you ride in a MX1825 with the 150 before buying yours with a 200? If so, was the motor upgrade noticable on typical loads? Doesn’t the F150 also use 89 octane gas?

    Tom Anderson
    Kasson, MN
    Posts: 138

    My vote is for the 150. The 150 has proven itself to be a VERY reliable motor. I’m sure the 200 will be a great motor too, but it hasn’t proven itself yet. For me I want to know that I have the most reliable engine I could get.

    Cuba City, WI
    Posts: 395

    I run 91 octane 100% gasoline all the time. I do not want to run any type of ethanol blend and most lower octanes and mid-grade fuels have ethanol in them. That said – I have ran nothing but that in 3 different Yamaha motors, 1 being an oil injected 2 stroke, and now 2 F150’s since 1992 and have never had a fuel issue of any kind. I don’t doctor the fuel much other than an injector cleaner once a year and Stabil every fall.

    south metro, twin cities, mn
    Posts: 25

    I have 1825 with 150 and 9.9…. Full load all the time. Set up is awesome for 2 guys…but having three guys behind the glass…. feels like your in a boat full of water.. really tough to get out of the hole… usually have the guy stand up by the glass till I get on plane.Once on plane…it is plenty fast, but it takes along time to get there. If the F200 was available I would have got that.
    I guess it just depends on how much gear you usually carry, and how many friends you bring with.
    I would never consider 4 guys in the 1825.

    Dean Marshall
    Chippewa Falls WI /Ramsey MN
    Posts: 5853

    Matt., which prop are you running? There are some possible options to improve your heavy load scenario. Feel free to contact Eric or myself if interested .

    Posts: 75

    I did ride a MX1825 last year with a F150. That was a showroom boat with a light load and two guys.The hole shot was good. I think the f150 has improved midrage power this year and I have not rode in a boat with a new motor. When I recieved my boat I did not have the correct prop so I do not have a good comparable for a light load. I would recomend seeing if you can get a test ride, fill the rear live well and see what you think for yourself.
    I could be wrong but I believe the F150 takes 87 Octane

    With the F200 I would have no problem taking four people fishing. There is also a noticable difference on hole shot with a full and empty live well.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    The F150 takes a min octane rating of 87 and the F200 takes a min octane rating of 89. You can run higher in either of them but not any lower.

    Matt, we have done some prop testing for heavy loads in a 1825 and found a couple different props to work well and a few other tweaks that have really helped. I wouldnt have an issue putting 3 guys, a kicker and filling the livewell. It will have a slower hole shot but still very do able.

    Posts: 80

    I am very interested in what the price differences are as well. If anyone knows for sure please inform.

    Posts: 19471


    I am very interested in what the price differences are as well. If anyone knows for sure please inform.

    Right around $2,500 difference over a F150, give or take a few hundred bucks depending on dealer

    Posts: 80



    I am very interested in what the price differences are as well. If anyone knows for sure please inform.

    Right around $2,500 difference over a F150, give or take a few hundred bucks depending on dealer

    Thanks that matches what I have found from different dealers for just the outboard msrp difference.

    I am in the middle of a “replacement” with Skeeter on my MX1825 and inquired about stepping up to the F200. You don’t even want to know what I was quoted for my less than 30 hour F150 value is according the bean counters in Kilgore. For a moment I thought I had purchased a Ford and drove it off the lot.

    Posts: 19471

    I hear ya, whenever I purchase a MX it will most likely last 10+ years for me, when you own it that long, the depreciation doesn’t hurt ya… I would love to find a good used one, but I’m thinking that will be tough (I only want certian colors and options) I will most likely go with a F150, I just can’t justify the added cost+fuel+insurance for a few more mph and maybe a slightly better holeshot with 3 people in the boat…

    Posts: 80


    I hear ya, whenever I purchase a MX it will most likely last 10+ years for me, when you own it that long, the depreciation doesn’t hurt ya… I would love to find a good used one, but I’m thinking that will be tough (I only want certian colors and options) I will most likely go with a F150, I just can’t justify the added cost+fuel+insurance for a few more mph and maybe a slightly better holeshot with 3 people in the boat…

    When I picked up mine from the dealer I said to myself this will be the last boat I ever buy. Every time I back it into the driveway I wish I had my old boat back. Love the design, it is second to none. Love the way it tracks in the water. The fit and finish have a lot to be desired, so much in fact that Skeeter recommended replacing the boat. Not my recommendation, I just want it fixed. I am actually quite pleased with the design and the way it handles. It just seems to me that there QC manager was on vacation when mine was released from the factory. Or it was finished during Mardi Gras, New Years day, 4th of July. One of those drinking holidays.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4329



    I hear ya, whenever I purchase a MX it will most likely last 10+ years for me, when you own it that long, the depreciation doesn’t hurt ya… I would love to find a good used one, but I’m thinking that will be tough (I only want certian colors and options) I will most likely go with a F150, I just can’t justify the added cost+fuel+insurance for a few more mph and maybe a slightly better holeshot with 3 people in the boat…

    When I picked up mine from the dealer I said to myself this will be the last boat I ever buy. Every time I back it into the driveway I wish I had my old boat back. Love the design, it is second to none. Love the way it tracks in the water. The fit and finish have a lot to be desired, so much in fact that Skeeter recommended replacing the boat. Not my recommendation, I just want it fixed. I am actually quite pleased with the design and the way it handles. It just seems to me that there QC manager was on vacation when mine was released from the factory. Or it was finished during Mardi Gras, New Years day, 4th of July. One of those drinking holidays.

    What is all wrong with your MX? I have had a couple small problems but SBC took care of them.

    Posts: 80

    The list is longer than both my arms, and all three of my kids stacked end to end. I bought my MX last November, when I bought it the weather was bad raining/dark outside etc.. The dealer had it under cover where they washed it before I got there so it was wet all over. That is how I missed one of the major issues with it. Which was…

    The steering was installed incorrectly, the fill tube for the reservoir was left at full length (18″) and the hose clamps were not tightened down completely. Also the bleeders were installed without the O rings, and one was cross threaded.

    I got it home a few days later I went out to clean it up from all the rain that we had gotten and noticed the carpets were all stained, and I mean you could clearly see where they filled the steering because the oil from the bottom of the 5 gallon bucket left rings in the carpeting. Had no idea about the steering at this point.

    Over the next few months that steering would leak onto the radio and the wire harness that connects the gauges. The radio blew out and I now do not have at least the 12 volt power port. Also several of the electrical switches stopped working.

    Well my dealer is 157 miles away, I am not driving there for every problem. My mechanic is a 30 year USCG mechanic and I am retired CG as well. Anything that we can not fix is far beyond what the dealer can do.

    I am not the nit picky type, but after spending that many thousands of dollars my breaking point hit when I was tracing out why the speakers were not working for the radio. Removed a speaker to find the baffles behind it with three sheet metal screws flopping around behind the bulkhead. Not screwed into anything just tearing up the fiberglass. Hooked it back up, nothing. Trace it to the radio, drop it down to find it saturated in fluid, look up to find the wire harness dripping, which would not be anything if it wasn’t the snap connectors that were not soaked. Got on the horn with Teleflex who sent me the instructions for the install. Yes you are supposed to trim the excess tube. Why? Because the weight of the il in the tube unsecured to anything just flopping around will loosen the tube and cause failure to the system.

    I went onto Skeeters face book page and simply said, if you guys hired anyone with slightly better eye sight than Mr. Magoo to build boats you would be doing yourself a favor.

    Skeeter asked me to explain my issues, I did. I got a call three days later from Mr. Young who’s first words were “How would you like a new boat?” I was floored, still am. All I wanted was mine fixed properly.

    I have had a ton of little things go wrong with the boat. Every time I launch means 2-3 hours fixing something else.

    1. Bilge pump burnt up from a stuck float from all the crap they left in the bilge, happened the day I got it in the rain storm. Did not have a cover for it yet and did not hear it running.

    2. Windshield installed improperly, screws not tightened all the way down, busted two of the screws in heavy weather no other damage.

    3. None of the side pocket doors will stay closed, bent the hell out the tabs to get them right, looks like crap.

    4. I have a full gallon bag of left over parts from the bilge, side pockets etc..

    5. Several switches replaced due to electrical issues.

    6. Somebody dropped something heavy on the fender of the trailer it has a nice imprint of a 2X4 or brick.

    7. I complained that whoever thought to put the cheap cup holders three inches off the deck is a moron, both have been broken, replaced and relocated.

    8. Dumb radio that has not been in production since 2004 the aux port does not work, I replaced.

    9. Livewell actuator broke last winter, gave Skeeter the name, and part number from the manufacturer and they still sent me an electrical switch.

    10. In the process of replacing the access covers that are stained with the hydraulic fluid, Skeeter sent me the wrong doors, not once, not twice but three times. Each time I sent them a detailed list with exact location of the door and used there website pictures of them with red circles over the doors that I needed. I now have a stock pile of extra doors.

    The list goes on and on. But what it boils down to is attention to detail and Skeeters complete lack of it. Plus whoever my dealer sends the warranty request to is totally inept.

    I have made a few upgrades for the new boat coming in, going for the keel protector and the command link gauges. Was trying to get the new F200 but they obviously do not want to sell it to me because they told me my F150 is only worth $8200 and want another 8k for the 200. I’ll be skipping that.

    My other suggestion for them was to enter arbitration and they could buy back my boat with my trade money returned and I would buy the boat that I want. I will let them build the second first. Hopefully it will be right the first time and I can just enjoy it.

    I have launched mine maybe 20 times since last November. I used to typically fish 3 times a week. Since I have had this thing my passion for fishing has decreased because it is easier not to go than to deal with the boat when I get home.

    Zach H
    Posts: 374

    I’m not saying that you’re in the wrong but if I bought a brand new boat with a dent in the fender the size of a brick I would have said something right away. Your spending over 40k on a new boat, you should be checking this thing front to back, inside and out. Even if you didn’t check it out right away and you got home to realize that the boat was this big of a mess, I would have drove it right back to where you bought it and set it straight right away. I sure wouldn’t have brought it somewhere and started fixing stuff on my own. If you would have brought that boat back as soon as you noticed this stuff, they wouldn’t be able to do anything other than fix the problems. I can’t believe that skeeter would ship a new boat in the condition your explaining. Something must have happened after it left the factory.

    Posts: 80

    The dealer was well aware of all the problems listed. My first new boat purchase.

    I feel the dealer was hiding the issues when I picked it up. I missed the oil stains because it was wet when I received it. The rest have all come to light as I used it. The fender was not a big deal to me just one more notch on the crap pile of issues that lead to the final outcome.

    I have no emotional connection with any boat, I have served over 15 years at sea on numerous ships, have ridden in hundreds of boats and have never in all of my professional maritime career ever seen anything built with such poor attention to detail as this.

    I am not driving 300 miles round trip over a burnt out pump, a bag of spare parts and a dented fender well. If that is what you chose to do then that is your choice. For me towing a boat and spending $140 in fuel to do it for $50 worth of parts is just dumb. Some of the parts I have replaced myself because after all was said and done they still could not get me the correct parts. That would have went over like a lead balloon if I drove that thing all the way back to the dealer to find they didn’t even have the right parts to fix it. I did not create the problems, I did not expound them either. Skeeters offer is to replace it, that was not my solution. I just wanted it fixed right.

    Skeeter has made the call on what is the best option on how to resolve this. For Skeeter it is to replace the boat. Maybe the wiring issue is too deep an issue for a dealer to handle, maybe they feel this is the cheapest way to get it right. Either way I don’t care. And I really don’t care as to what you think I should have done. I was asked what went wrong, I explained a tenth of the issues. If you don’t agree with how it is then don’t comment. Because until you have paid over 40k for a boat and wished you had your old 10 year old boat back you have no idea what it is like.

    And to even remotely suggest that the dealer could have handled repairs any better is just plain stupid. I gave them complete instructions to the issues, not once did they feel the need for me to drive it back to there shop. Not once did they suggest they do the repairs. And not once did Skeeter say “hey if your dealer isn’t doing the repairs were not covering them”. I could almost build a second boat with the spare parts locker I have built from there inept warranty department.

    Posts: 80

    I just want to say that it was not my intent to come on here and bash Skeeter or anyone else. I had no intent of going into my story. I think they are being very gracious to me by replacing my boat. I think it is a bit of overkill, but at the same time after I thought it all through it is very true what Mr. Young said to me. “You spent a lot of money on that boat and it should be right.”

    I realize there are issues with new boats. Mine were just different than others in the fact that I have had so many in a short amount of time.

    I know there are a lot of Skeeter fans on these boards and I came here to get more information and help whoever I can. My story may or may not be typical. I don’t spend my days at a dealership dealing with people so I have no idea what a larger scale percentage of Skeeter owners are going through.

    Bighan no hard feelings there, I may have been a bit rough with you. I stand by what I said, because that is my truth.

    To anyone else looking for help with there MX1825 looking for ideas or whatever else I am more than willing to help. Still love the design and ride, can’t be beat. Hopefully round 2 will be better than round 1 for me.

    Smooth sailing and following winds to you all. I will not discuss my old Skeeter anymore, because next Wednesday my new Skeeter goes into production.And hopefully I will be out on the water in it by the middle of August. Good thing about TN is year round boat fishing, no winterizing here, no t for me anyways.

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