WX1900 Issues

  • mark-o.
    Posts: 33

    There is a post on another website about someone having issues with their Terrova hitting the winch post every time they launch the the boat. Steepness of ramp doesn’t seem to matter. There have been some interesting responses so far. I know you can encounter this issue sometimes on very steep ramps. Looking at everything, I just can’t see how the 1900 would have this problem, but the other boats wouldn’t. I know there are more 1900 owners on here, so I thought I would see if anyone here has seen this issue. I will soon be taking delivery of a new 1900, but mine will have a Fortrex on instead. Has anyone at SBC had any customers complain about this? If so, did you find a fix? Will I have any issues with my Fortrex? Thanks for any info you guys might have.

    Amery, WI
    Posts: 1422

    My 620 hits too. If it’s a steep ramp. you have to be really careful! I broke the side plate off Terrova last year . Had to keep using that ramp so I would get motor running and I would put into forward gear as driver backed me in so that boat couldn’t float off until trailer was completely submerged. Kind of a pain but no real way around it.It DID solved the problem . The 1900 isn’t the only one with the issue. Curious to see how many others/brands hit when unloading.

    Woodbury MN
    Posts: 240

    Mark, I passed this issue along to the Skeeter engineers in TX. They have already responded and are gonna look into it. Any other issues pass them along and we’ll keep improving and striving for perfection.

    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 10908

    I have to slide the t-motor (Minkota Power Drive) back every time I put in. Ramp does not matter. Ranger 618. Same on a friends Ranger 620.


    Champlin, MN
    Posts: 2097

    Yep, I have the same problem on my Alumacraft T-Pro. The edge of the Terrova will catch on winch post roller when I use steep ramps. As I have a quick release; I remove the motor sliding it over a few inches to clear. It really only takes just a few moments.

    Posts: 2

    I have a 1900 and have noticed the issue. The fix I have used is to spray the bunks with silicone. I just don’t back in as far and push or drive the boat off. As long as the back end does not float to high before the bow clears the post it seems ok. Prob better ways but so far so good.

    Posts: 72

    I have an 1880 and have the same problem. Going to order a 1825 soon and am going to install a Hull Sav’r to help with this issue and not being able to get under the nose to pull out of water. You can see this @ http://www.tiedown.com

    Lakeville, MN
    Posts: 1383

    My 1880 and my buddy’s Ranger 1850 both do it. The cure has been to back down into the ramp a wee it quicker and then hit the brakes. This slides the boat off just far enough to clear the winch stand. Every single time.

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