As the wind howled something fierce my wife looked a bit concerned as I strapped on my fishing bibs while choking down my morning coffee. Still she knows fishing for us is beyond my simple passion for big fish. My 15 year old daughter hollered “BIG FISH WEATHER DAD!!” as she jumped in the truck heading off to school. As I hit the dock I witness many sets of concerned expressions from customers as I’m asked if I caught the days forecast. Just then my mom called my cell phone as she was on her way “up north” for the weekend, and told me 30-40mph are expected for the day. She wasn’t sure how that translated into “Lake Effect” conditions.
As I calmly organized my customers gear in “Sho-Time” one of the boys asked “Daze…..What do you think??” I hesitated for a second as I poured the last bag of Shiners in the bait tamer……..well….. I responded “I think we’re going to have 227,000 acres of water all to ourselves today as I flipped down my sunglasses with a bit of a smirk.
Skeeters WX2100 Deep-V Walleye Series boats; For anglers who never miss a weather forecast, but choose to go fishing anyway.
BTW….The Big Walleyes didn’t mind the Chop in “Manland”
There are those anglers who want to fish, and then there are anglers who NEED to fish! Live life to the fullest and continue to fish with an attitude boys!!