My charger is also up front underneath the center rod locker (2010 wx1850). I just run my cord up the small 1/2 circle hole in the rear (moveable) floor piece of the rod locker. The plug is big enough that it doesn’t fit through the hole easily when the moveable floor piece is in it’s place (preventing it from falling under rod locker floor). Just grab the plug when you’re done, pull out some cord, and lay plug to whichever side suits you. I try to make sure the cord is coming out where the rod locker latch is. It doesn’t seem to pinch there at all when the rod locker door is closed.
It’s easily plugged in or unplugged without getting in or under a tarp / cover. When I’m fishing, I just push the extra cord back down the 1/2 circle hole (without pushing plug down). good luck…