A new challenge with my WX2200. I pulled the carpet after the 1st few times on the water as I would prefer to keep the carpet clean for the few days that we will pleasure boat (not fish). The floor of my boat has several stains or discoloring that we have not been able to remove. Attached are a few pictures to illustrate. Some of this looks a male Walleye was flapping around in the boat, others look like the back of the carpet somehow stained the floor. Regardless, basic soap and scrubbing has no effect. I appreciate any advice on how to clean this. For reference this is after 11 fishing outings (10 jigging walleye in the Detroit River) and one smallmouth fishing in Lake St. Clair).
Also, I did have a snap screw pull through the floor…you can see some of the scratches that caused in the 3rd picture. Hoping that is a unique experience.