Since it is a Snowmobile Forum Too…

  • suzuki
    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    Mine are ready to go. Been tweaking on them for weeks. I think I saw a tear run down the hoods. I’ve never hid behind the fact I will take sled riding over ice fishing but there’s always room for both. I ice fish lots before good snow arrives on a typical year. Any other sled-heads on stand by?

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    I feel your pain, Suzuiki. Nothing worse than having toys all ready and no way to play with them.

    Talked to a guy at a trade show yesterday, turns out he’s a hard core sled head and he was so fed up with the lack of snow and driving to the UP or Canada to use them that he now rents storage space in Utah for his machines. They just fly out and use them and fly home. He gets in a couple of trips a a year, which according to him was more hours of use than they were putting on in MN just because in Utah the snow is going to be there every year.

    I’m sure the prospect of being able to get an giant, fire-breathing, back-country conquering machine and make full use of it was part of the attraction for him.

    I’d love to have the time to use machines enough to justify ownership. The idea of longer distance touring would be terrific, I’d love to do Quebec some day.


    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471


    1. IMG_5809.jpg

    St. Paul, MN
    Posts: 11459

    It’s hard to even imagine that much snow, isn’t it?


    Posts: 17

    Funny you posted that picture. I did a night ride last year(only ride)and ended up following a wolf down the trail maybe a quarter mile before he ditched into cover. Only me and another guy in the group saw it but still very cool

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I just went and checked on my sleds today, started them and grabbed the owner’s manual to read it through again to make sure I wasn’t missing anything. I picked up two new Voyager 600s for this winter and they’re getting really lonely on the trailer. I like ice fishing more than snowmobiling but I do enjoy a good ride from time to time. All this talk about snow had me thinking about burning some gas. chased

    Posts: 17

    Not sure what your break in plan is for your new sleds but I was told by a dealer to pour a quart of 2 stroke oil into the full gas tank for the first 100-200 miles. I also have a Polaris 600

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    Not sure what your break in plan is for your new sleds but I was told by a dealer to pour a quart of 2 stroke oil into the full gas tank for the first 100-200 miles. I also have a Polaris 600

    Yup, that’s the plan. They run a little smokey at idle with the extra oil but other than that a guy doesn’t notice it when riding.

    Posts: 17

    They run the new sleds so lean from the factory because of these emissions standards that I know a few guys went and turned up Their oil pumps a few clicks. It’s takes about hour to do and haven’t done it but then again I haven’t had any problems with my sled

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    This “phantom” storm had me optimistic but we only got a few inches. Going to be another long year although most of the trails in Iron Cnty opened. Swamps and lakes still unfrozen

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    Yup. ZERO up north out of this. What a shame. At least I can ice fish.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    They run the new sleds so lean from the factory because of these emissions standards that I know a few guys went and turned up Their oil pumps a few clicks. It’s takes about hour to do and haven’t done it but then again I haven’t had any problems with my sled

    I bought a special tool for this that turns it into a 5 minute job. I turned mine up a couple cranks and am waiting to ride more so I can monitor usage.
    I’m on year two with my Indy 600. Rode Sunday for the fist time and it was FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUn.

    Wayne Daul
    Green Bay, Wi
    Posts: 351

    Here in northeast Wis, we got 6 to 8 inches last night. I will be out with groomer on the second shift to pan the snow. Looks a little thin to open the trails. But open or not I’m sure some will be out riding. I will wait before I take my sled out. Most lakes are not I repeat not safe to ride on. Could end up being a short season this year.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    A season made shorter by counties not opening trails when there is enough snow to ride. This after they fleeced us for another new fee of $30/yr per sled just to ride the trails they hesitate to open. Given the situation I will be riding.

    Shell Rock Iowa
    Posts: 3072

    I just got back from a visiting my cousin out in Colorado. We rode in about 4 foot of snow near Beuna Vista. While I did enjoy riding his sleds, getting them buried and then getting them out was a real bitch. Wallowing around in 4 foot of unpacked snow at 10,000 feet just left me entirely winded.
    Riding off trail on the side of a mountain, is a skill not learned on flat farm land. mrgreen

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    I just got back from putting 600 miles on in the Hurley/Lake Gogebic area. the trails were good to very good. Saturday they were getting chewed up.
    question: my buddy got popped for an extra $160.00 because he burned some non Polaris oil in his rental. I thought that was very odd. I think the rental place was just taking some extra profit. he said they would have to drain it all.
    thoughts? I own a 4 stroker so I do not worry about such things

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    I just got back from putting 600 miles on in the Hurley/Lake Gogebic area. the trails were good to very good. Saturday they were getting chewed up.
    question: my buddy got popped for an extra $160.00 because he burned some non Polaris oil in his rental. I thought that was very odd. I think the rental place was just taking some extra profit. he said they would have to drain it all.
    thoughts? I own a 4 stroker so I do not worry about such things

    Without knowing what he put in its hard to say for sure but if it was another major brand of 2-stroke oil then it sounds like the rental place took HIM for a ride.
    I’m headed to Voyager this weekend to sled.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    it was regular two stroke oil. what I figured.
    getting lots of snow up there now. good luck. two folks got killed in the UP last weekend. watch out for the knuckleheads

    Posts: 655

    Polaris WARRANTY only allows Polaris Oil. AMSOIL claims they qualify but the dealership told me they have denied 2 Polaris warranties in the last few years after oil tests confirmed the operator did not use POLARIS oil. Not sure if that makes it worth $160 fine.

    I just got a 2016 550F 144 Polaris Voyager, I don’t have @jamesholst cash so the 550F was the ticket! When we get low snow conditions I think the 550F will prove to be a true MN ice fishing machine! I am totally impressed with the new Polaris Voyagers. I also purchased the 2-up seat for under $300 total and with the GF on the back we put on over 125 miles in a day to complete the break in, and she didn’t have any complaints!!!

    I’m looking foreward to hearing how well the Voyagers work out for the Pros! — We never saw that snowmobile review/setup write-up on the last sleds James!

    King Dinger
    Posts: 75

    Anytime you want to take a rip on the sleds James let me know. We can take off from my house in Nisswa or you can come back to your hometown in Austin and we can take off from the house down here also. We just put on a couple hundred miles down here last few days.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    it was regular two stroke oil. what I figured.
    getting lots of snow up there now. good luck. two folks got killed in the UP last weekend. watch out for the knuckleheads

    Exactly why I dont go to the UP on low snow years. It draws people from 5 states like flys.
    I like to find the under-the-radar areas with snow.

    I’ve always heard its against the law for mfg’s to require their oil under warranty.

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926

    I’ve always heard its against the law for mfg’s to require their oil under warranty.

    It is. A manufacturer cannot mandate the use of a specific product for warranty compliance. In this case Polaris cannot require consumers to use the Polaris brand of oil. Polaris CAN require an oil that meets a certain standard. A consumer can use an oil that meets that standard. If the oil used doesn’t meet those standards then Polaris can void the warranty.

    Magnuson-Moss is the act that covers this topic.

    W Central Sconnie
    Posts: 4102

    the locals up there do not even venture out weekends. MI does not really mark upcoming curves very well I noticed. all of them missed corners and hit trees at a high rate of speed. they got good snow up there though

    1. 2016-01-22-10.55.40.jpg

    2. 2016-01-22-10.55.42.jpg

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18471

    Its melting!!!!!!!!!! bawling

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