Sign Stealers

  • fishking22
    Posts: 67

    I have sign in my yard that keeps getting stolen by the hippies. So now I’m making them pay when they come back to get it the next time. I just got done wiring it to an electric fencer so it will deliver a shock and also attached braided fishing line from it to a tree. I also want to cover the sign in something that is real stinky or slimy. Anyone have any ideas of what to put on it?

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    This is interesting. I think I’d go for the gooey stinky slimy material before I tried to electrocute someone. Maybe some pike slime? Its really stinky and snotty right now. I don’t think braided fishing line will hold electrical current.

    I believe you meant to type the title as Stealers, not Steelers. The Steelers are an NFL football team based in Pittsburgh, PA.

    North Metro
    Posts: 238

    Buy a gallon of rodent trap glue

    Posts: 932

    Here’s an option. It may be a bit extreme but you know…

    1. HandTool.jpg

    Posts: 67

    This is interesting. I think I’d go for the gooey stinky slimy material before I tried to electrocute someone. Maybe some pike slime? Its really stinky and snotty right now. I don’t think braided fishing line will hold electrical current.

    I believe you meant to type the title as Stealers, not Steelers. The Steelers are an NFL football team based in Pittsburgh, PA.

    Dang Steelers. I’ve been shocked by electric fences dozens of times. There’s no harm there just a wake up call. The braided line is just so it’s a little harder for them to take the sign, not for electrical current.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 18985

    I noticed a stolen sign last weekend. Kinda pissed me off.

    Posts: 67

    I noticed a stolen sign last weekend. Kinda pissed me off.

    They hit our whole neighborhood last week unfortunately.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Stop triggering them with your signs. Lol

    Posts: 4800

    Trail cam and see if it’s a neighbor

    Land of 10,000 Lakes
    Posts: 113

    I’ve heard paintballs work pretty good…… whistling whistling whistling

    Posts: 5139

    The electric fence option is likely not legal. However theft isn’t either.

    This is part of the reason I don’t have certain signs in my yard, fly a certain flag on my home, or put certain stickers on my truck. A particular group of people always finds it necessary to damage other peoples property that they worked hard for. However I imagine that particular group has never worked hard in their life, as they seem to be fine with handouts.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22036

    The electric fence option is likely not legal. However theft isn’t either.

    This is part of the reason I don’t have certain signs in my yard, fly a certain flag on my home, or put certain stickers on my truck. A particular group of people always finds it necessary to damage other peoples property that they worked hard for.

    The exact reason I find it silly to fly flags and signs and all that. Just puts a unwanted target on your back. Especially these days when every one cries racism

    Minneapolis MN
    Posts: 1104

    Shocking someone might get you some legal problems with booby traps. It would be pretty easy to argue that you intentionally set up a device intending to cause harm to people who would likely come touch it. Probably a long shot, but if the wrong person with time, resources, and motivation came alone…

    Stinky stuff is probably the best deterrant but they might still smash it.

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    Research man trap laws in you’re area. Don’t ask me how I know. whistling

    Ice Cap
    Posts: 2245

    I fly the flag at my house and at the lake everyday. I won’t cower from doing that. I also fly the thin blue line flag under the American flag at home.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22036

    I fly the flag at my house and at the lake everyday. I won’t cower from doing that. I also fly the thin blue line flag under the American flag at home.

    Those 2 flags are something to fly with out a doubt.
    Trump / biden flags are pointless

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Well, you could certainly surround the sign with an electric fence and post a warning sign to not touch the fence. Perfectly legal. devil

    ( hah Why as a kid did I always have to see if the fence was really electric? )

    Agree with others. I don’t think a sign is going to change anyone’s mind these days. Not worth the effort in my book.

    BTW, did everyone vote today? Primary day here in MN.


    Posts: 141

    Cover the sign with ground hot peppers! They won’t be back!

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18754

    I noticed a stolen sign last weekend. Kinda pissed me off.

    That would urine me off too. Not only is it theft, its trespassing.

    I’d go the camera route to see who it was.

    A big dog might deter someone too.

    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 1424

    Poison ivy, or oak smear all over sign they will definitely pay for there actions.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6130

    Poison ivy, or oak smear all over sign they will definitely pay for there actions.

    This is quite possible. There are how to vids on youtube. Also spread a generous amount on the grass around the sign. It will either get on their shoes and brought back home or all over their Birkenstocks and bare feet.


    David Anderson
    Dayton, MN
    Posts: 536

    Go to bigger sporting goods store and get some Doc’s Regular Catfish Getter Dip Bait and smear it where ever. It smells absolutely awful and isn’t fun to clean up after one gets it on his hands, feet, then Steering wheel, door handles. I stepped on a plastic container of this in my river boat and have first hand experience.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Why don’t these brave souls take it in front of you in broad daylight?

    Central Mn North of the smiley water tower
    Posts: 3210

    I’d go motion activated light, and trail cams. Then after identifying idiot, blackmail to follow.

    Posts: 5139

    Why don’t these brave souls take it in front of you in broad daylight?

    Too busy working?

    rotflol rotflol rotflol

    Posts: 5139

    Saw this the other day near my house. A little grainy because I took it as I was turning the corner and the shadows mask the words but there is a pen!s drawn on it and the curse word that begins with “F” written. It has since been replaced however the crap these idiots pull is so juvenile. I’m sure it will be defaced again.

    1. 20200811_135126.jpg

    Posts: 1267

    If you didn’t buy it, it’s not yours.
    If it’s not your land, stay off
    if you intentionally violate these two rules, there shouldn’t be any liability to the owner,
    it would make things a whole lot simpler.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22036

    If you didn’t buy it, it’s not yours.
    If it’s not your land, stay off
    if you intentionally violate these two rules, there shouldn’t be any liability to the owner,
    it would make things a whole lot simpler.

    100 percent agree. But my neighbor was sued once when his dog mutilated a intruders leg. He even had warning signs

    Posts: 82

    I’ve thought it through if i had that problem, i would re-make the frame, with some small treble hooks hot glued to the obvious grab area. I usually hear of it happening at night, and know what happens to me when i get within 3′ feet of a treble hook. Might pose a few problems trying to get into a car and drive away if a 3′ sign is stuck to your hands.

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