Side imaging question?

  • mrpike1973
    Posts: 1507

    After watching a few video’s and using it it is great. The solid line in the middle of the screen is the transducer the black area is directly below the boat before showing the side imaging. In the black area there are some blips of spots are these fish?

    Dave maze
    Posts: 1072

    Fish/weeds/logs. Usually you can switch to down imaging to get a better idea of what they are.

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 18758

    Fish/weeds/logs. Usually you can switch to down imaging to get a better idea of what they are.

    I agree. Although I am far from an expert with side scan, I primarily use it to locate habitat and structure, not fish. I have seen people post that they can see fish with their side scan though, so it very well can be done.

    Posts: 24606

    Yeah, I was up in Canada last week and fishing a piece of structure that I had side scanned years ago to find some very nice boulders on a transition area. The bite kind of slowed so I told my buddy I was going to go down the shoreline and mark waypoints when I found fish on the side scan. We needed two fish to fill our limit. I marked 4 waypoints and turned around and trolled through them. We caught 5 fish over those 4 waypoints with two very nice “over” keepers to complete out limit. Its like anything, its a tool to use that helps paint the picture of what is down there.
    Not sure if Humminbird does this, but on Lowrance if you see a fish on the screen and you touch the screen where the fish is and save waypoint it actually stores data regarding depth within the waypoint. Pretty useful.

    Posts: 1179

    It is pretty much a glimpse of what DI is telling you, I don’t pay much attention to that while using SI. SI will give more detailed feedback over hard bottom, as yesterday’s outing on a sand flat shows. May need to adjust settings for mud.

    1. 6E4D6262-FEDE-4596-80C1-A8D593A4F490.jpeg

    MN Z
    Stark MN
    Posts: 262

    The fish dont have a chance!

    Posts: 1507

    Exactly what I needed for an answer. The side imaging is great for finding structure not really fish the down scan works better for that. I just wanted a understanding of it great videos to learn from as well online. Thank You!

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    Exactly what I needed for an answer. The side imaging is great for finding structure not really fish the down scan works better for that. I just wanted a understanding of it great videos to learn from as well online. Thank You!

    Side scan is great for finding fish, and structure. The garmin you bought can spot fish on side and down scan. It finds structure as well but I drive around looking for Fish

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    It is pretty much a glimpse of what DI is telling you, I don’t pay much attention to that while using SI. SI will give more detailed feedback over hard bottom, as yesterday’s outing on a sand flat shows. May need to adjust settings for mud.

    Gander what Garmin are you using it looks clearer than my 93uhd

    Posts: 615

    Mr.Pike because of your review and some other factors I just purchased a Garmin myself. Im excited to get it out on the water and start getting use to using this tool.

    Posts: 1179

    I run 93SV UHD’s (2.0?), touch screen etc. Im a big fan. I came from a Helix 9 and 10 G3N’s and have no regrets. One could argue the pixelation on the Helix’s are slightly more crisp but Ive never had to 2nd guess what Im looking at with Garmin.

    John, Ill check my settings on SI and get back to ya. I don’t believe they are out of the box settings.

    North branch, mn
    Posts: 22048

    I run 93SV UHD’s (2.0?), touch screen etc. Im a big fan. I came from a Helix 9 and 10 G3N’s and have no regrets. One could argue the pixelation on the Helix’s are slightly more crisp but Ive never had to 2nd guess what Im looking at with Garmin.

    John, Ill check my settings on SI and get back to ya. I don’t believe they are out of the box settings.

    Post them on here please when you figure out what settings your at

    Posts: 1507

    Thanks Josh and everyone definitely a game changer. Very easy to use and makes sense.

    Jim Stoeckel
    Above the clouds.
    Posts: 135

    The first pic is a sand to rock transition. The second pic is a school of walleyes, and the third is a school of perch. Under the right circumstances, it’s very hard to miss fish. Other times, you can’t see them due to thick weeds, big rocks, etc.
    I’ve split my side imaging to left only on my left screen and right only on my right screen. It effectively doubles the size of your display making everything easier to see and identify.

    1. 39B1F851-27BE-4030-AEF7-6C5CE35F23A4-scaled.jpeg

    2. 7C10D0AC-D8EA-4027-ACAB-1B4DBE6E4C1F-scaled.jpeg

    3. C8118EEF-3189-4970-BFDF-DF93652059C7-scaled.jpeg

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6724

    I run 93SV UHD’s (2.0?), touch screen etc. Im a big fan. I came from a Helix 9 and 10 G3N’s and have no regrets. One could argue the pixelation on the Helix’s are slightly more crisp but Ive never had to 2nd guess what Im looking at with Garmin.

    John, Ill check my settings on SI and get back to ya. I don’t believe they are out of the box settings.

    Thank you sir!

    Posts: 1179

    Here are my settings, nothing crazy, not sure if they differ much from out-of-box settings. Usually set my scroll speed to match me going 2-3mph.

    I also took a pic of the difference in images of trolling over a weed flat with different frequencies. Can’t tell if pixelation will turn out whack due to my phone or not. Curious if anyone else ever captures more detail in weed growth?

    1. E025A28B-0B82-4B23-A6FC-7C3013072412-scaled.jpeg

    2. 74056B79-A259-4498-B900-DF4BAFB74454-scaled.jpeg

    3. 4F392243-2152-4A61-950C-9B66940E5AC5-scaled.jpeg

    Posts: 2018

    I think the GT 56 transducer gander has is better than the GT 54 of all the on sale units.

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