Side imaging a game changer or gimic ?

  • bigcrappie
    Posts: 4524

    MAGA Live?

    Side imaging is fantastic but starting to feel it’s old school technology now. Going to be an expensive upgrade coming to my boat.

    Greg Krull
    South Metro / Pool 4
    Posts: 300

    Why’d you guys have to resurrect this post… Now look what you made me do, I went and called to price out updating my 2016 Helix 9 Gen 1 SDS to a new Helix 10 Mega SI. Looks like I’ll need to dig into the stash and find $2k. Guess I’ll just be fishing the same old lures for 2023. No $ left over add more lures I won’t use.

    Honestly, after fishing with a buddy who is running a newer Gen 3 or 4, his image is SO much more crisp than mine.

    Posts: 2024

    Interesting – I have a gen 4 and I can’t get those crystal clear images I see on Facebook or advertised .

    Joe Jarl
    SW Wright County
    Posts: 2226

    I added a G3N SI unit a couple years ago and it truly was a game changer for me. Just added the live and can’t wait to see if it’s going to make as big an impact on my summer fishing.

    Greg Krull
    South Metro / Pool 4
    Posts: 300

    The “Ah ha” moment was this. We were out on the river and he pointed to his graph and said look at that paddle fish. It looked just like a paddle fish. On my screen is would have possibly looked like a light colored blob. Maybe. Another example was passing by a boat launch. I could see the concrete was a harder return, he could see the ribs in the concrete.

    I have put in the time, played with the settings, watched hours of video. I just don’t think this first gen unit has the capabilities.

    Last note of reference. I bought a new gen 4 DI only unit for ice fishing and put it in the front of my boat. It’s DI is so much more clear than the DI on my old gen 1. Night and day.

    Dousman, WI
    Posts: 1442

    Can’t comment on Humminbird vs. Garmin side-imaging comparisons, but I can tell you that the side-imaging on the Garmin 106SV Ultra with the GT-56 transducer is a step up over their 9 inch units due to the processor, power and three-frequency sonar differences. The 10 inch vs, 9 inch screen not that big of a deal; it’s the specs that add to the quality.Pulled the trigger on one a few weeks ago and had it on the water a few times. Clarity is amazing even in default settings, vs. my older 93SV, and if you wait and look for sales, can find the unit with ducer for under $1400.

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