Shuttle Slide Trolling Motor Mount and Ulterra

  • luttes
    Posts: 542

    Hey all,
    I recently picked up a 72″ 112 Ulterra from Fish-Lectronics over in Spring Lake Park for my 2013 Nitro 290 Sport. Had a great experience buying from them and would highly recommend them.

    The bow on the 290 sport slopes a bit forward towards the water and does not sit level with the rest of the boat, so I had a pretty interesting predicament before me… How to mount this absolute behemoth of a trolling motor to the front of my boat where I had previously had a very modest 60″ powerdrive v2.
    I researched the heck out of different mounting options and found a manufacturer from Florida called Shuttle Slide. I searched to see if anyone here on IDO had anything to say about them but no luck. Decided that the mount fit all my needs and that I would take a gamble on the product. Ordered up the ss-7-HD and had it in hand about a week later. Build quality seemed good and I was excited to try it out. I built a leveling wedge out of 3 pieces of pvc molding jb welded together and run through my thickness planer with an angle jig I made out of scraps. This gave me just about the perfect angle that i needed to get the motor level. I drilled some holes, ran some bolts, and got the motor all rigged up.

    My impressions. The build is extremely simple and effective. A single piece of HDPE (or similar) plastic with channels on both sides that hold the mounting bracket. this is sandwiched between two solid pieces of aluminum. The entire unit allows the trolling motor to slide 7 inches. This eliminates the possibility of catching the motor on the bow rollers and ruining the motor. Also, because the tolerances are so tight, the motor fits snug and does not move unless you want it to. There are two wing nuts on the rear side that you can quickly remove and take the entire motor off the boat in 30 seconds. Really impressed with the product.

    Let me know if you have any questions about the shuttle slide or my install, and if you’re in the market for a mount, give shuttle slide a look.

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    Posts: 3472

    I have the same motor. You’ll love it.
    Does the leveling wedge support the entire underside of the Shuttle Slide? The picture looks like it doesn’t. Is that going to be enough support when you put the hammer down? I bought a different style MinnKota mount than I have used in the past for Terrovas because MinnKota said that style mount wasn’t designed for the forces that this motor with the 72″ shaft can produce.

    Posts: 542

    Hi Netguy,
    Yes, the wedge supports the entire mount. The entire footprint of the mount is 3.5″ x 13″. I put 6 holes the entire way through the bow cap and fastened with washers and lock nuts. I also have some aluminum bar stock i can use if the washers aren’t enough. I took it out yesterday to test and set up everything, and was cruising at full speed and took a hard right turn and the boat turned on a dime with no complaining from the mount, the motor, or the boat. I’m super impressed with the whole deal and hopefully it will meet the need for many years.

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