Showdown troubleshooting

  • Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    I think the ducer may be bad on my showdown. Had one of my kids checking depth with it as I drilled holes, I think he may have bounced the ducer off the ice. Still reads bottom, but will not pick up anything else in the column. Tried sensitivity, IR, etc. Any ideas before I order a new transducer?


    I have the duel beam and it would read the bottom but not my jig. on the narrow setting it would work. I just sent it in, I’ve sent it in before and they replaced the head unit. Hopefully this will take care of it. If i were you i would send it in and for i believe under 90 bucks they will fix or replace anything that is wrong with it and give you an additional year warranty on your unit. Marcum is top notch in standing behind their product from my experience with them.

    Gregg Pfeifer
    Fort Atkinson, WI
    Posts: 889

    I thought mine was bad and it was simply iced up on the bottom.

    Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    I thought that too, took it out multiple times to wipe the ducer off, no change. Going to send it in this week $80 gets it up and running and an additional year of warranty.

    Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    Well I’m at a dilemma, do I send my Showdown to Marcum for $80+ shipping and unknown return date (need it as a backup for a Webster trip) or do I buy a transducer outright and see if that is the issue? The only downside to this that I see, is that I don’t get the additional 1 year warranty.

    Posts: 276

    I had a showdown that lasted a week. Never got a replacement………..

    Aniwa, WI
    Posts: 2536

    Where are you located, might be someone close by that you can borrow a ducer to see if that is the actual problem.

    Scott Mueller
    Coon Rapids, MN
    Posts: 125

    Just an idea.

    How old is your Showdown?

    They are a bit sensitive to battery voltage.

    Mine was acting very funky… not reading……no access to some menus….. couldn’t see the jig……etc.

    I measured the battery voltage right after I got it off the charger. 10.67 volts.

    I went to Thorne Bros and bought a new Marcum battery.

    Bingo all the issues were gone.

    Have used it for two fishing trips since. Works as it should.



    Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    I’ll try a different battery tonight, hopefully it’s that simple.

    Aaron Drier
    Posts: 61

    It’s an older unit, one from shortly after they came out one of the early 5.6 models. The soft pack doesn’t even have a logo on it

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