shortest opener ever

  • Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    Not because we got our birds, because getting ready at a spot someone opened a truck door right as one of the dogs was running by and the corner of the door resulted in this

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    Grand rapids mn
    Posts: 1222

    Jesus that doesn’t look very good, sorry that happened, hopefully a quick recovery

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    The drain makes it look a lot worse than it is but it definitely needed stitches

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19023

    Sorry to hear that.

    Posts: 2872

    Thats to bad glad the pooch is alright.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4402

    Hoping for quick recovery. Poor fella.

    Posts: 3950

    Ouch!! give him a treat and a scratch or two for me.

    Farmington, MN
    Posts: 4030

    I first saw the picture before reading what you typed and thought someone shot your dog. I hope he will recover quickly.

    Posts: 25044

    Yikes! Major bummer! Hopefully the hound is back at it in no time. Definitely dont want to be in the field with an open wound. Dang. At least its early so there is lots of time yet.

    Posts: 823

    I had a short opener also a few years back. My 6 year old intact male got out of the truck excited as usual. When he’s excited, he’s excited, if you know what I mean. He ducked under a strand of barbed wire, and his excited part hooked the lower strand, ripping a 1.5 inch long v shaped rip in his doghood. Blood flowing everywhere. Quick trip to vet, only to be told this is the absolute fastest healing area of a dog and nothing further was needed other than some pain relief . He hunted the next day. Hope your pooch heals quickly Reef!

    Posts: 2876

    Boy oh boy…

    Sorry to hear! Hopefully you didn’t drive too far to have a trip cut short by something like that?

    Either way, the health and safety of our dogs and ourselves come first.

    Posts: 2876

    I had a short opener also a few years back. My 6 year old intact male got out of the truck excited as usual. When he’s excited, he’s excited, if you know what I mean. He ducked under a strand of barbed wire, and his excited part hooked the lower strand, ripping a 1.5 inch long v shaped rip in his doghood. Blood flowing everywhere. Quick trip to vet, only to be told this is the absolute fastest healing area of a dog and nothing further was needed other than some pain relief . He hunted the next day. Hope your pooch heals quickly Reef!

    shock blush

    Posts: 68

    All of my vehicles have standard first-aid kits (bandages, gauze, etc). What extra would you guys add for dogs?

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    Sorry to hear! Hopefully you didn’t drive too far to have a trip cut short by something like that?

    3 hours but at least country vets are super cheap compared to my local vet. This was only $50 more than confirming an ear infection we already knew he had!

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    All of my vehicles have standard first-aid kits (bandages, gauze, etc). What extra would you guys add for dogs?

    This really didn’t bleed, was just a hole in his side, so I didn’t use anything on way to vet 20 mins away. My dog/hunting bag though has eye wash, ear wash, skunk soap, hydrogen peroxide, cheap dog boots, benadryl, and a couple rolls of vet wrap I think. Doesn’t take too much space but can deal with most dog problems I hope.

    Mookie Blaylock
    Wright County, MN
    Posts: 469

    All of my vehicles have standard first-aid kits (bandages, gauze, etc). What extra would you guys add for dogs?

    I’d throw in some vet wrap but it can cause more damage than good if you don’t know how tight to wrap it. Cannot wrap to tight or too long.

    Posts: 68

    Thanks, Mookie.

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    Same dog, first spot… doah

    1. IMG_20230916_203316.jpg

    Posts: 3319

    What happened this year Reef?
    Poor fella can’t catch a break. doah

    Reef W
    Posts: 3200

    What happened this year Reef?
    Poor fella can’t catch a break. doah

    Learned that porcupines don’t taste good. Definitely needs a bubble though grin

    Posts: 3319

    Didn’t blow the picture up and missed the quills. I was looking at the tongue and thought he cut it on something. Poor guy. Quill removal is not fun. bawling

    Plymouth, MN
    Posts: 19021

    My dog had some skin ripped open on her leg from an injured rooster’s spur last November at the first spot. It didn’t bleed much, but it was an open wound that I couldn’t risk getting infected so we quit at the first spot. Luckily my regular vet is only an hour from where I pheasant hunt so I go her in there later that evening. They cleaned it, sanitized it, and used surgical staples to close it. 200 bucks was the bill.

    It fully healed and we were back hunting in 15 days.

    Posts: 2872

    That poor dog is jinxed.

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