Shortening a rod blank

  • Nick Schmitz
    Posts: 65

    I’ve never asked a question on a forum before. I’ve been building my own ice rods for a while now but have never had to shorten any blanks before. On another forum on this site I learned about Bass Khang and Sportsmen’s Warehouse as new sources of blanks. Cheaper and different choices than from Mudhole where I have been getting my blanks. Only problem i’m having is most of them are to long for inside the fish house in my book. I’ve heard about cutting them off from the butt but i’m not sure about how to go about cutting them off. Or the tip for a different action. Any suggestions?

    Randy Wieland
    Lebanon. WI
    Posts: 13882

    I do it all the time. Coping saw and jig so the blank is secure. I don’t do much for solid glass rods, but no different. Just don’t fracture it

    Posts: 5099

    No matter how much you take off just remember you will change the action of the rod.

    To cut the butt end of an ice blank I’ve taken a sharp utility knife and rolled it over the blank back and forth cutting a deep grove into it and you can then just snap it off. Then just clean up the end with a medium little sandpaper. Ive also taken the corner of a file and cut a groove around the blank and snapped it off.

    Some people will also say to take a Dremel with a cutoff wheel. It works but if you don’t have one there are other ways.

    Mike Klein
    Hastings, MN
    Posts: 1026

    Band saw works too.

    Posts: 20

    Bandsaw or Dremel have been my go to, and I always cut the butt end off, not the tip

    Nick Schmitz
    Posts: 65

    Thanks for the info. Will have to try these out and see what works best for me. My new blanks should be here by the end of the week.

    Also anybody know where a guy can get some nice handles that arn’t gonna break the bank.

    Mat Peirce
    SE Iowa
    Posts: 197

    wrap masking tape around the blank, then cut with hacksaw or dremel

    Basskhang, Janns Netcraft, Sportsmens Direct, etc sell handle kits

    White Ranger
    Posts: 53

    wrap masking tape around the blank, then cut with hacksaw or dremel

    Basskhang, Janns Netcraft, Sportsmens Direct, etc sell handle kits

    Yup! I use a Dremel, but I work in front of a 20″ box fan that has a furnace filter taped on. I don’t want to breath carbon fiber dust.

    Most ice blanks have a section in the butt end that has little or no taper. You can cut several inches off and not get into the taper. You can also trim the tip if you need to. Trimming from the tip will make the rod a bit slower, and increase the fishable lure weight a bit.

    Posts: 22

    A sharp hacksaw blade does a fine job, just take your time.

    Ryan Scholl
    Posts: 146

    masking tape and cutoff wheel on my dremel seems to work the best. I’ve had them splinter when using a saw.

    White Ranger
    Posts: 53

    masking tape and cutoff wheel on my dremel seems to work the best. I’ve had them splinter when using a saw.

    True. I have read of guys using a triangle file and deeply scoring the blank, and then snapping it off.

    Nick Schmitz
    Posts: 65

    I have a cutoff wheel for my dremel tool. So thinking some masking tape and that and out in the garage to experiment. Just got my new rod blanks today so let the fun begin. Thanks again!

    Posts: 674

    Dremel with cutoff and quick and clean. I still wrap with tape to prevent splinters.

    If using a hacksaw i usually pull only so the teeth don’t grab material and splinter.

    Pine City, MN.
    Posts: 1279

    A small triangle file works great also just rotate the blank as you go

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