Shortage of Vets

  • Eelpoutguy
    Farmington, Outing
    Posts: 11109

    Had to look it up also – Can Humans get it?

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1403

    True. Last I heard there were 33 vet schools in the U.S. as opposed to >150 medical schools. Competition is fierce, costs are high ($63k.year)..

    To be a veterinarian or a medical doctor depends upon the goals of a student.

    Veterinary students course loads aren’t more rigorous nor are the requirements to get into vet school higher than in medical school but there are far fewer vet schools than medical schools in the US so yes, it’s competitive to get into vet school which may lead to that conclusion.
    Entrance requirements are similar for both veterinarian schools and medical schools and students undergrad degrees may be exactly the same but just chose different career paths.
    Yes, veterinarians have to be smart and have high grades to get into vet school and I’m not trying to put them down by any means but medical doctors also study for 8 years and still have to undergo 3 to 7 years of residency before they can become board-certified attending physicians.

    It’s almost like comparing apples and oranges but we need them both.

    Posts: 12923

    Dang Suzuki. Thoughts and Prayers to you and your pup.

    Jon Jordan
    St. Paul, Mn
    Posts: 6140

    Hope everything works out, Mike. Dogs are family!


    Posts: 2853

    I have been there Suzuki it’s going to be a long road good luck and prayers sent.
    EP yes people can get it but it’s not common.It’s a prion thats found mainly in soil.

    Posts: 516

    Blast is a August and can infect dogs and people. It’s found more in Northern mn and is usually in hailed by dogs who are sniffing ground. Usually infects lungs or skin of dogs. But can infect eyes and bones. Nasty disease but if caught early can respond to antifungal. It’s usually takes 4 to 6 months to clear but some can take much longer. Hope for speedy recovery.

    Posts: 2842

    Hope everything works out, Mike. Dogs are family!


    Amen to that. I can’t imagine. I hugged my dog extra hard after reading about it.

    Seriously Mike, I’m praying for you and your dog. Can’t imagine the stress and heartbreak.

    Posts: 3433

    Wishing you and your dog the best Suzuki!!

    Bassn Dan
    Posts: 1005

    My observation is it’s not so much a “shortage” of vets, as it is a shortage of work ethic. Vets used to have Saturday hours and do after hours emergency care, but now the “Lifestyle Vets” are too busy off enjoying the mega dollars they squeeze out of pet owners. Your pet dies? They get even MORE money with services for a new pet, so sadly, not a lot of motivation for most of them to care…

    Jimmy Jones
    Posts: 3225

    Had to look it up also – Can Humans get it?

    “Is blastomycosis contagious to humans?
    Blastomycosis cannot be spread to humans from dogs through the air, such as breathing or coughing. However, blood transmission, for example through a dog bite, can occur. Care should be taken to change and dispose of bandages and bandage materials by using proper protective wear, such as gloves. This is especially true for those who are immunocompromised, as there is a risk of inhalation of the fungus forming on bandages.”

    Brad Dimond
    Posts: 1604

    My observation is it’s not so much a “shortage” of vets, as it is a shortage of work ethic. Vets used to have Saturday hours and do after hours emergency care, but now the “Lifestyle Vets” are too busy off enjoying the mega dollars they squeeze out of pet owners. Your pet dies? They get even MORE money with services for a new pet, so sadly, not a lot of motivation for most of them to care…

    Vets had weekend hours because there were enough vets that they didn’t have to work 6 or 7 days a week to ensure coverage. Shortage of vets precludes this level of coverage. Vets I know bust butt. If it’s such a cushy existence why don’t you go get the degree and hang up a shingle?

    Hard Water Fan
    Posts: 1094

    Praying for a quick and complete recovery for your dog.

    Karry Kyllo
    Posts: 1403

    My observation is it’s not so much a “shortage” of vets, as it is a shortage of work ethic. Vets used to have Saturday hours and do after hours emergency care, but now the “Lifestyle Vets” are too busy off enjoying the mega dollars they squeeze out of pet owners. Your pet dies? They get even MORE money with services for a new pet, so sadly, not a lot of motivation for most of them to care…

    Shortage of work ethic? I sure don’t want to have Saturday hours and work after hours whenever called do you? Vets are allowed personal lives too aren’t they? I have no idea what kind of job you have but do you want to be on call every day of the week and work Saturdays? That’s a hell of a great life isn’t it? And then you complain about money?
    I know that the old romantic vision of a vet being on call every hour of the day of every week is how some people think that it should be but that just isn’t reality. They have lives too.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Clinically confirmed blasto on Monday. Today was the first day she wasn’t worse than the day before. We were scared yesterday. Its a ray of hope we needed. Cautiously optimistic but we expect more hard times ahead.

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    Clinically confirmed blasto on Monday. Today was the first day she wasn’t worse than the day before. We were scared yesterday. Its a ray of hope we needed. Cautiously optimistic but we expect more hard times ahead.

    Hoping the best for you my friend.

    Jake D
    Watertown, SD
    Posts: 611

    My cousins is currently in vet school at Iowa State. One of the vets she had write her a letter of recommendation to get into school told her she would be way better off just being a doctor or surgeon. Its way easier and way better pay to go to med school.

    Posts: 24726

    Improvement is good! We are thinking about all of you!

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2020

    Clinically confirmed blasto on Monday. Today was the first day she wasn’t worse than the day before. We were scared yesterday. Its a ray of hope we needed. Cautiously optimistic but we expect more hard times ahead.

    sure hope she makes a full recovery!!!

    Posts: 516

    In my experience once they start to feel a little better it a really good sign they made it through the worse. Sorry to hear of your dogs illness

    Posts: 336

    Prayers sent for your dog Suzuki. I’ve lost 3 to Blasto, all were over 9 yrs old, nasty crap. Had I buddy contract it, he had to retrieve his dog out of an abandoned beaver hut. Took him about a full year to recover. 2 different vets have told me that the Namakigon River and surrounding area is a hot bed for Blasto. I hunt that area frequently.

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4349

    Praying for you and your dog Suzuki. A friend of mine lost his Vizsla about 10 years ago to Blasto but I know 2 other dogs that recovered from it. Long recovery time for this disease.
    The friend who lost his dog figured the dog contracted it from soil in bedding/landscaping plants they had bought at a green house. The dog was playing with the plastic containers.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Prayers sent for your dog Suzuki. I’ve lost 3 to Blasto, all were over 9 yrs old, nasty crap. Had I buddy contract it, he had to retrieve his dog out of an abandoned beaver hut. Took him about a full year to recover. 2 different vets have told me that the Namakigon River and surrounding area is a hot bed for Blasto. I hunt that area frequently.

    Thanks. Yeah, everybody has a story here on the Namekagon. It has us thinking about staying here.

    Woodbury, Mn
    Posts: 19026

    Thought I would update this thread. Things are looking good. Last Sunday at exactly 3 weeks form first symptom she broke out of her funk. Days before I didnt think she was going to make it. This week has been good day, bad day, good day, etc. On the bad days she will barely eat any food and sleeps all day. On the good days she almost eats a normal ration if you factor in treats and her daily grilled hamburger! And she is semi active, even messing with her toys. I dont want to jinx it but I think we got it licked. As long as she eats. Still a long road to recovery. She lost 11 lbs and she isnt a big dog. Weighed in at 40 yesterday and looks like a lanky, bony hound. We got a product from the vet called “Entyce”. You squirt a little in their mouth and magically they are hungry almost immediately. It has worked well on the bad days.
    Luckily she always reverts back to her dog food so we dont have to keep buying all kinds of different things just so she will eat. She gets tested for Blasto again next week so we are hoping the antigen levels have dropped significantly.

    Mike Schulz
    Osakis/Long Prairie
    Posts: 2020

    that’s great news!!

    John Rasmussen
    Posts: 6754

    That is awesome to hear. Been thinking about you guys. Thanks for the update and hopefully she makes a full recovery.

    Wright County
    Posts: 3152

    Great news!

    Posts: 1281

    Great news. Been thinking of you and the pup. Glad shes on the mend!

    SW Wisconsin
    Posts: 4349

    Good to hear that your family member is getting better. Keep us posted.

    Posts: 336

    Good to hear and best wishes for a full recovery.

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