Ran up to bago yesterday after work to burn a couple hours. After spending a week of vacation at Boy Scout Camp and then coming home I needed a vacation! Target was perch as one of my goals this year is to get a meal or two of perch from somewhere. Watched the wind forecast and knew it would be fun. Launched out of Black Wolf to a lot not even a quarter full which is good and bad. If the fish are snapping, that launch can be crazy! So I turned on my stupid humminbird with the crappy internal GPS that works when it wants to (gotta get that fixed or replaced!!! Sick of it and almost threw it in the lake!!!!) and ran to my first reef. Used the electronic to find what I was looking for. Set out a cork, a dead stick and casting a half crawler on a jig. Started getting bait steals immediately. Jig – cleaned. Dead Stick – robbed cork acting funny in the waves. Connected – Perch. No real size but once I figured out how they wanted it (dead stick but pounding the mud with weight a couple times then wait). Caught about 30 perch in a couple hours. Kept 9 to go with some walleye in the freezer. Was missing so many bites that I had to use one rod. Crawler chunks was best. As sun as setting bit slowed and goats moved in. With all the small perch the next year or two should have a decent population if the masses don’t clean the lake out.
Pitched blades at dusk on the reefs as the sun set – nada on that reef.
Talked of a few folks at the ramp. Pretty slow. One guy had a limit but it took him 6 hours and lots of goats.
Overall a fun short trip. And saw some cool planes flying – a lot of water planes trying to find smoother water to land.
Water temp 75. Fished 11 FOW.