Lots of good info so far. Most all public parks up this way where you can get to the river have some fish. Youre at a time of year rn you’ll want to find the deeper holes, which is typically on the bends. Especially with the low water have to find some current.
Figuring out current and current seams is crucial. Monticello in waders is good, feel how the current lightens up behind boulders, seams are created behind islands, eddys form from the slightest of shore abutments.
Coon rapids dam is lowest I’ve seen ever, not many fish going to hold there rn. Spring can be fun with good timing, good luck with the mass of other anglers tho.
Confluence of the rum and crow rivers can be good, where elm creek spillway can be good, honestly every place has its time where it can be good if it has some structure to it. I’ve caught walleyes and smb at most every public park from mpls to Monticello over the years. It’s all timing.