Shore fishing metro area

  • WishIwasWiser
    Posts: 176

    Summer is flying by and everyone is busy so my son and I are gonna fish in the morning. Kinda last minute but he’ll be back at college before I know it so….GOING FISHING!

    Just sold our boat in a shrewd business move (divorce) so we will be chucking hardware from shore. Don’t really care what we catch. Bass, cats etc would be fun. We are thinking river. Anyone want to give up a favorite honey-hole? No?

    Ok, how about just a “we usually catch something fun” spot?


    Matt Moen
    South Minneapolis
    Posts: 5308

    Upper end of pool 2…shoreline from the confluence up to the dam will give up walleyes, smallies, pike,etc.

    Cranks, plastics, half a crawler on a jig will all catch fish.

    Plenty of places to access it…hidden falls, Minnehaha park, fort snelling park.

    tim hurley
    Posts: 6029

    WW I tip my hat to your great attitude. Good luck.

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