Another Nebraska Giant

  • Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I was at Sherman Reservoir again this last weekend and was witness to yet another Nebraska giant flathead. I was trolling on Sunday afternoon and trolled near a boat where the fight of a lifetime was on. They turned out to be friends with a guy I met earlier in the summer who was fishing by himself and needed a hand with photos of his PB walleye. Just like their buddy Travis, niether of these guys had a camera, so after they landed the fish I boarded their boat to help with pictures.

    I had my soft tape measure with me this time and was able to get a girth measurement along with a length measurement this time. It hit the tape at 51 inches long and had a girth of 33.5 inches. The fish was released after measurements and pictures. Congrats TJ!!

    I can’t leave out another PB flathead that was caught at Sherman over the weekend. My cousin Joe and Uncle Jim joined me on Friday night for a little bit of night trolling for walleyes. Just a few minutes before lightening chased us off the lake Jake’s 12 ft trolling rod layed back and started peeling line off. A short time later I netted Joe’s biggest fish of his life. It measured 38 inches and had a 23 inch girth and weighed 22.6#’s on a digital scale. He was very happy to say the least. Congrats Joe!!

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550

    Holy cow, thats a big cat.


    Posts: 3681

    Nice fish,to say the least!!

    Posts: 1767

    Conversion chart only goes to 50 inches for length. Looking at the dimensions it could be close to 70lb fish.

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    Gosh Ben, talk about Johnny on the spot. Seriously to catch a 72lb flathead while trolling by yourself, then about a month later to happen upon a guy with another whale. Way to pass it on and help the guy out. Thanks for posting the pics, makes for quite the story.

    Denny O
    Central IOWA
    Posts: 5897

    How did Sherman turn out after the draining of the lake in the overall?

    I have not been there since they were dropping the level for that year to do work on it the following.

    Obviously the two pics are a testament but, in the overall how did it turn out and what did they end up doing?

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914


    I imagine BK hasn’t responded yet because he’s A) on his way down to Sherman, or B) cryin in his beer.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148


    How did Sherman turn out after the draining of the lake in the overall?

    I have not been there since they were dropping the level for that year to do work on it the following.

    Obviously the two pics are a testament but, in the overall how did it turn out and what did they end up doing?

    Sherman was never drained enough to effect the fishery. In fact it gets drawn down further during peak irrigation than it did when they did the lake improvments. Typically in the fall after irrigation season is over it is filled back up to a “Winter Pool”, which is around 6 feet below full. During the couple years of work on the lake it was left around 12-14 feet below full over the winter and then topped off in the early spring. The construction of jetties and rock walls was all done over the winter months.

    Posts: 2

    Nice fish Ben .
    Caught l small flathead today,1 drum ,3 slab crappie and 4 small walleye. Thanks for the tip.

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