Sherman Wednesday 10/7 – White Bass insanity

  • mb376
    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    Talked my boss into giving me the afternoon off given the incredible weather and the impending change. My neighbor cancelled on me so I went solo. Sure glad I did.

    I started trolling lead but happened upon some white bass pinning shad in the shallows. It was incredible for a few hours, think I manage to land 22-23 and probably lost that many more. Ranged from 13″ to 16.25″ with the majority being a fat 14-15. I long lined shallow shad raps and thin fins in 5-8 ft of water and casted top water in 2-3 ft of water. Trolling I managed to hook up simultaneous doubles 5 times but only landed both twice. They routinely were only getting the back hook. Multiple times I would land one fish only to grab the other rod as it loaded up while I was landing the other. I did manage to catch several on a topwater plug in 2.5 ft or less of water, I had one that tried to take my plug as I pulled it out of the water right next to the boat.

    It was an outstanding afternoon and I had the whole area to myself. Wish I could have had the 9 year old with me. I didn’t have the digital with me, but did take some photos with a disposable and I will post them later.

    Given the weather forecast that maybe it for me this fall but it is going to be hard to wait 5 months to get the boat out after a afternoon like that. I will probably try to slip one or more trips in, hopefully the weather cooperates.

    Grand Island, NE
    Posts: 17

    We fished there Wed. also and had good luck. Picked up about 30 white bass, 5 walleye, and a 42″ flathead on jigging spoons.

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    I figured based on the lack of people moving around I was not the only one catching fish. I actually thought of moving a little deeper or trying something else to pick up some walleye. I was just having to much fun once I starting catching them on topwater.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Thanks for the update. I’m boatless right now but when I pick up the new boat in a couple of weeks Sherman is one of the first places I’ll be.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    So were you able to sell the other boat, Ben or did you trade it in on the new ride? What do I look out for on Sherman in a couple of weeks?

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    I sold the Crestliner to a gentleman in Utah. He drove down last week and headed home with his new ride on Thursday.

    I ran my new boat last month for 5 days up at Rainy Lake. It’s going to be quite a change from my old boat but it’s going to be even more fisherman friendly!! I can’t wait to pick it up in 11 days.

    Here’s a picture of the new ride. It’s a new 2009 Skeeter WX2000T. It will be rigged a little differently that the photo below. It will have a Yamaha 150 Tiller with Mertens power tiller steering and a Yamaha T-8 kicker motor. Switching to a 20 ft. tiller is going to give me even more room in the boat. It’ll be a great set up for trolling and the lower profile will be great for presenting live bait tactics in any conditions mother nature thows at me. I’m going to hold off on a trolling motor on the front as I’m waiting for the new Minn Kota Terrova I-Pilot to come out after the first of the year. If you haven’t heard about the I-Pilot yet here is a post on it’s details. Minn Kota I-Pilot

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    Sounds like a nice upgrade to me, I keep dreaming of something similar. My wife likes to fish so I am thinking eventually when the kids are older I will get “permission” to get a boat rigged to just fish. You might see me gawking at it at Sherman if I ever see you there.

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Be sure to flag me down if you see me anywhere on the water. As long as it’s not during a tournament I’ll give you a ride. Heck I’ll even let you drive it.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    Keep me informed on when you are going to be at Sherman; I’m not planning on winterizing the cabin and boat until the first week of November. Should still be some good days before then. Hopefully, we will be running and gunning Sherman from Wed. on this week if the weather works out for us.

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    Flatwater, I will probably be there on Friday. I may be with my neighbor or solo. If I take my boat it is a white bayliner bowrider with a Terrova on the front. If we take the neighbors boat it is a Lund Tyee Magnum. If you want say hi. I doubt there will be any other bayliners there this time of year.

    Central City, NE
    Posts: 358

    I think that you cruised past us when we were on the dam other day. I have a red and tan Crestliner dual counsel with black Johnson and 9.9 kicker on the back. I haven’t spent much time trolling lately but might just have to try it if the jigging bite dies down.

    It would be nice to meet you.

    Lincoln, Nebraska
    Posts: 120

    That was me, I had just got there. I found those white bass in the shallows about an hour later. I was going to try jigging spoons just never got around to it.

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