My mother sent me these pictures in an email last night. She drives alot for work and keeps a camera with a telephoto lense in her car to snap cool pictures of deer/eagles/turkeys, whatever she sees that’s interesting. Last night she calls me and tells me to check my email becuase she got a picture of a nice buck. After opening it, my exlamation was probably the same as most of your’s,”holy @$%#!”.
That is one big buck! I’m going to try to manipulate the pictures a little to be able to better see what exactly he has going on but looks to be a BIGGGG main frame nine with big split brows, and a small crab claw on his right side. this deer has everything though, a true giant! I wont even say where the picture was taken to protect this deer and the privacy of whoevers land it is on. Chances on some lucky hunter knows he’s there and is just droolling waiting for next season to come!