Sheds #15, 16, 17, 18

  • brice120878
    Twin Cities
    Posts: 51

    MAN!! I’m pretty sure I know that spot!! Good job getting her to eat, I just can’t ever seem to do it on that lake. I’ve seen some bigguns in there though…congrats on a beautiful fish and a great release!

    Big Lake, MN
    Posts: 16

    A buddy of mine and I where trolling late Wednesday evening. When he hooked into a 39 incher (his first mukie ever) while using a dunwright walleye color paddle tail. After saying that it was about time to head in for the night.

    Brian Robinson
    central Neb
    Posts: 3914

    Damn impressive! Keep up the hard work!

    Ben Garver
    Hickman, Nebraska
    Posts: 3148

    Great fish Bob! You got some awsome pics of it too!

    James Holst
    SE Minnesota
    Posts: 18926


    Great fish Bob! You got some awsome pics of it too!

    The only way this catch could have been any better is if there was a video camera in the boat.

    Everyone might want to check back later this week to see if there might be a video on how this fish found itself in the bottom of a net.

    Hudson, WI
    Posts: 2376

    The only way this catch could have been any better is if there was a video camera in the boat.

    Everyone might want to check back later this week to see if there might be a video on how this fish found itself in the bottom of a net.

    That would be absolutly sweet to see the master at work

    Bob Bowman
    Posts: 3550



    Great fish Bob! You got some awsome pics of it too!

    The only way this catch could have been any better is if there was a video camera in the boat.

    Everyone might want to check back later this week to see if there might be a video on how this fish found itself in the bottom of a net.

    Thank God, she got to the bottom of the net

    NE IA
    Posts: 736

    Awesome fish Bob Wife wants to fish with you LOL

    Lake Elmo MN
    Posts: 1106

    WOW!! Nice fish!!

    Northeast Iowa
    Posts: 629

    I checked out the website for Dunwright Tackle… those baits look phenomenal. I would eat one. Didn’t see a price on the website though. Can anyone give me a price range, i’ll probably try and grab a couple in Brainerd or Walker next week on my way through.

    Minocqua, Wisconsin
    Posts: 3842


    We have a limited selection of the new line of Dunwrights at the Rollie & Helen’s Musky Shop!!! Here is a link to the Musky Shop webpage: Rollie & Helen’s Musky Shop. The online catalog may not have these new baits in it just yet, but you can always call in an order. I know we had some Thursday night at work. You can always order the catalog as well for ordering purposes. I would assume that the 2009 will have these baits in it.


    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I had my best shedding day by numbers this year on Saturday. I was re-covering a standing cornfield that was deep in snow many of the times I walked it. I love checking corn fields during overcast days in April. The sheds are typically bleached white and really stand out against the corn stalks and small greenage. Instead of taking the normal field road to the food plot, I decided to walk on the north side of our place and take a path that I hadn’t taken for a few years. There is somewhat of a plateau that deer bed on once in a while that is located just across the fence from a hay strip. I walk the top a few times each year, but rarely below it (it’s only 5-10 yards to the fence and I can see everything in between or so I thought). Sure enough, just a few minutes in I spot a shed. It’s from last season and only has the main beam, likely off a 2.5 year old. I took a few pics and didn’t expect to find the other side, but I took two more steps and there it was (also chewed).

    I then made it to the cornfield, set my two sheds and backpack down where the field road enters the corn. I turned to my right and spotted this nice 4pt glowing like a beacon in the dark. I had to sit down a smile after this. I know my dad and I had walked that very row 3 or 4 times this year.

    I then proceeded to walk every other row. Nothing, nothing, nothing…then finally on my second to last pass I spot this gem. It was only a forkie (my second of the year), but it felt sooooo goooood. 4 sheds. It was a great morning!

    St. Croix River
    Posts: 940

    Good eyes on that last one!! These last few days have been perfect weather for shedhunting but Im just running out of spots. Things are starting to turn green too
    Congrats on the good day of shed hunting

    Posts: 6441

    Awesome day ! Congrats !

    cannon falls
    Posts: 2798

    Nice finds way to keep at it

    Posts: 2998

    Nice finds that last one would of been a tricky one to spot.

    22 feet up
    Posts: 632

    Hey that’s awesome! Good spot on that last one

    WC Illinois
    Posts: 878

    good finds.
    that reminds me. i saw a shed while maneuvering on turkeys last week. was gonna go back and pick it up but forgot all about it.
    nice avatar, mark

    Posts: 559

    way to go, makes me want to go walk some corn fields

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