Buffalo County Matching Set

  • Anonymous
    Posts: 0

    proshedhunter is going to add a new pic soon of the sheds he recently found. He will also add in the shed found last year of the same buck.

    stillwater, MN
    Posts: 2466

    there’s no reason to make this a legal issue Gobbler is an ethical hunter and if you haven’t already noticed how sorry he is, then you need to take a look at whats more important; a set of antlers or a friendship. The antlers are great and thanks for posting them for the short time they were up

    Nashua Iowa
    Posts: 754

    I just have to say that if you don’t want your pic posted don’t let anyone take the pic in the first place and don’t email it. After you email a pic it could end up anywhere. I also don’t think its breaking any law to post a pic you receive in an email. I totaly understand you not wanting it posted but would say you didn’t do a very good job yourself controlling what happen to your pic. I love seeing the pics of sheds and deer on this sight. If you give people here a chance I think you’ll find there great people to share with and to get info from.

    Alma Wi
    Posts: 23

    the guy that posted it didn’t recieve the picture in an email and it wasn’t sent to him. he copied and pasted the picture

    Byron MN
    Posts: 3374


    the guy that posted it didn’t recieve the picture in an email and it wasn’t sent to him. he copied and pasted the picture

    Big deal , it’s OVER and DONE with get over it

    Chippewa Falls, WI
    Posts: 4337


    the guy that posted it didn’t recieve the picture in an email and it wasn’t sent to him. he copied and pasted the picture

    He had to copy it from somewhere…thus it was already out there circulating.

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    I opened this thread hoping to see a pair of nice sheds, I don’t hunt them but I do like to see them. I don’t want to stir the pot but what difference does it make to post a picture of a nice shed find, in the end does it really matter. I mean who knows the exact location where they were found in a big county. I live in an area where there’s all kinds of big bucks and they all drop their sheds and I could care less if anyone found out where I live. Look where I’m located because there to be enjoyed. Like where I live Buffalo county has big bucks too, everyone knows that so why try to hide it, is there really that much poaching going on or only a few instances, like here, it happens. Maybe I’m wrong and too old school but I think the enjoyment people get from seeing a matching pair of nice sheds far outweighs where they were found, look at all the western states where big elk have been taken, everyone knows about those states and its easy to find out what county they were taken in. There’s always a chance that buck will be taken by someone else weather its poached or taken legally by someone else so why not show the pictures of its sheds for everyone to enjoy. Maybe I’m wrong but other peoples enjoyment far outweighs where they were found when the exact location isn’t known. This wasn’t meant to be growly its just a bit of advice from an old timer. Thanks for listening,,,

    Posts: 559


    I opened this thread hoping to see a pair of nice sheds, I don’t hunt them but I do like to see them. I don’t want to stir the pot but what difference does it make to post a picture of a nice shed find, in the end does it really matter. I mean who knows the exact location where they were found in a big county. I live in an area where there’s all kinds of big bucks and they all drop their sheds and I could care less if anyone found out where I live. Look where I’m located because there to be enjoyed. Like where I live Buffalo county has big bucks too, everyone knows that so why try to hide it, is there really that much poaching going on or only a few instances, like here, it happens. Maybe I’m wrong and too old school but I think the enjoyment people get from seeing a matching pair of nice sheds far outweighs where they were found, look at all the western states where big elk have been taken, everyone knows about those states and its easy to find out what county they were taken in. There’s always a chance that buck will be taken by someone else weather its poached or taken legally by someone else so why not show the pictures of its sheds for everyone to enjoy. Maybe I’m wrong but other peoples enjoyment far outweighs where they were found when the exact location isn’t known. This wasn’t meant to be growly its just a bit of advice from an old timer. Thanks for listening,,,

    well said

    Cedar Rapids, Iowa
    Posts: 7727

    Here’s a little bit about the legal information about public domain when it comes to pictures. If a person doesn’t want anyone to see a picture before permission is granted then it has to be copyrighted, its cheap and easy to get a copyright. Once a picture is even sent to a friend, it then enters the public domain and is free for anyone to use. This has to do with the copyright and patent laws. A picture or an Idea that hasn’t been previously and legally protected that enters the public domain is then free for anyone to repost or manufacture, its what the government protection laws say. The person who took the picture technically can’t even send it to a friend, it has to be sent to a person who is legally qualified to protect this photograph and is registered by the government too act as a appointee by the court system. I’m pretty sure once it hits the public domain and wasn’t stolen from the photographer it enters the laws of free duplication, it has to be protected for duplication without permission first, and then permission can be granted.

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