First Shed Buck

  • dtro
    Posts: 1501

    Thanks for sharing that Shawn.

    I breezed through it, but fish #14 really caught my attention. Crazy movements on that one. I need to dig into this one a little deeper.

    Brian Klawitter
    Minnesota/Wisconsin Mississippi River
    Posts: 60010

    Sure, I see this post at bed time

    Thanks for posting it Shawn.

    Stillwater, Minnesota
    Posts: 1906

    Thanks, Shawn. I found the study very interesting.

    NE IA
    Posts: 804

    Thanks for the post Shawn. That was some very interesting reading.

    Palmetto, Florida
    Posts: 25026

    Shawn, you have officially been named cat poster of the week. I have been waiting for someone to dig up a new study!

    I’d give you the Golden Flathead picture, but I’d have to dig it off the backup drive.

    It’d be interesting to match water temps up with the movements.

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Thought I would post my first pic of a little shed buck. I might have to get out and check the local trail, that would be a early find for me. I also included a pic of a young doe that is injured. What do you think the wound is from? I think she looks pretty healthy, you agree or should I try to shoot her?

    Posts: 6441

    Great pics thanks for sharing

    Not sure id run out looking for 1/2 a forkhorn quite yet

    Looks like a nasty gash on the doe but she seems to be fine hard call

    South East,Mn
    Posts: 91

    Man i’m getting the fever bad. Seen a couple others with half racks but can’t prove they shedded or broke them.

    Central MN
    Posts: 2852

    Ouch, Better to have that wound this time of year vs. warm weather and insects. I say get out and be the first of the year to post a shed.

    Eric Rehberg
    Eau Claire, WI
    Posts: 3071

    Over the past week I have counted 7 bucks that have shed both antlers. 6 of the 7 were spikes or small forks, and Im not sure on the 7th as that was the first time I had seen him. I thought it to be kinda early to see that many but than again this hasnt been quite the normal year either.

    Winona, MN
    Posts: 698

    I haven’t found any sheds yet this year, but the last two years I’ve found them before New Years. I just put my trail cam out to my shed location and had 5 scrub bucks in two days. I have seen a few shed bucks already, but it is a little early for the big numbers.

    EC, Wisconsin
    Posts: 131

    If I was out there and had a doe tag I think I would pile her up, tough call indeed. I know the food pantry’s are hurtin’ for venison this year like a lot of people. Might be a good opportunity to get them one.

    Whitewater Valley
    Posts: 37

    God….just seeing that pic makes me want to call in sick and go shed hunting ……get to it before the tree rats find it


    i would say the wound on the doe has a story that goes something like “archer shoots doe with expandable broadhead that malfunctioned.” Shed hunting? If you are in the woods this time of year might as well take the bow if your looking for antlers…

    Posts: 372

    i would shot her. Get them sheds:)

    1 hour 15 mins to the Pond
    Posts: 18100


    i would say the wound on the doe has a story that goes something like “archer shoots doe with expandable broadhead that malfunctioned.”

    Why start a fight on the eve of a holiday? I bet the story went like “lazy drunk rifle hunter made a poor shot from his truck window.” We are all hunters and need to do the best we can to protect our sport. All the in fighting will be our demise.

    durand WI
    Posts: 316

    I had five bucks behind my house last night all had their head gear yet.

    With all the corn standing and not so cold winter yet they will most likely hold the for them for a bit.

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