Shed Hunting Carma

  • walleyebuster5
    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    As some have said before, luck has a fair amount to do with shed hunting. Do you think it creates bad luck and bad carma if someone played a joke on a fellow shed hunter saying that they “JUST FOUND A *$$%%*% SOW” when they really didn’t but just wanted to get you excited??? I think it does! I’m saying you don’t EVER mess with the shed Gods. What are your feelings?

    Byron, MN
    Posts: 2274

    I would have made him buy you a beer. Carma will come around…

    Central MN
    Posts: 3916

    Yeah, the worst thing about it was that I was in getting my taxes done and he was texting.. When I snuck a text back to ask how big and where, he replied with an……. OH YEAH! to keep me hanging. Ouch.

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