Today after work a good friend of mine and I searched for sheds in a new area. In all my years I’ve never been in a woods with big buck potential due to the literally hundreds of rubs and rubs that were on huge trees, something I’m not used to. My jaw dropped further and further as we searched. Sorry, I just haven’t got over it yet. The monster rubs and fresh deer sign was everywhere I was completely sure I was going to find that 80″+ shed. I couldn’t have been more wrong as I found my smallest shed to date, a spike . Still happy to add it to my collection. While searching we found 4 dead deer one dead coon and a dead oppossum. From what I have no idea. When we left for the night I actually had to scrub the deer poo off of my boots as it was caked thick. Can’t wait to hit that spot earlier next year as I found sign of previous searchers . And no I’m not going back to look for the match!
April 9, 2008 at 4:27 am